Talk:Nationals/Individual Champions

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Discussion - should we do individual competitors on this list? I don't really know the answer, but it just seems weird. -Hartman~

They are students at the competition. We haven't in the past, so if we decided to, we would need to go back to some years (like 2016) and change them. SamKeal (talk) 12:36, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

I was wondering about this too. It is true that in the past (e.g. 2016, like Sam said) we haven't recognized them, so we need to decide one way or another. On one hand, indeed, they are students at the competition, and their achievements deserve to be recognized! But, one could argue that inviting individual competitors is antithetical to the point of Decathlon, or that the invitation of individual competitors is not very systematic and thus doesn't make for good comparisons between years, or etc. I don't find those arguments to be very compelling myself, and think we should allow individual competitors to be listed here. TinDefacto (talk) 12:52, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

I'm fine either way, my argument would be that since it's only certain years that have it, it's almost unfair in a way to the really good kids who did not have individuals available to them in their year. It just creates an odd inconsistency due to them not having it most years. I won't rock the boat or anything, it just gave me pause. AH