We the people of AcaDec Scores and Information Center, in order to create a sense of order and guideline, hereby present the Constitutional Guideline of ADSIC.
Article I: Location of Site[edit]
The Site of ADSIC is to be fixed at starting exactly on the Fifteenth day of March, Two Thousand and Seven, and shall remain fixed until such a time requires change.
Article II: Server Command[edit]
Since ADSIC falls under the domain, the owner of the domain, David Gilman, is entitled to all editing rights, including the updating and upkeep of the MediaWiki software necessary to run ADSIC.
Article III: Establishment of an Executive Wing[edit]
The Constitutional Guideline of ADSIC allows for the establishment of a Executive Wing, which shall consist of a single person serving as the Chief Executive, and multiple people serving as Executives with lesser, but still formidable power.
Article IIIb: Executive Wing[edit]
The Executive Wing shall consist of a group of members with the title of Comptroller. The Chief Executive is named the Fleet Comptroller. Comptrollers are appointed by the Fleet Comptroller, and all members of the Comptrollership serve indefinite terms until removed, recalled, or by retirement, resignation, or by expiration of natural life.
Comptrollers are expected to operate the site (as well as any PR, Fund-raising, or discussion) on the system operator level. Such power is conferred to a person by either the Fleet Comptroller or the owner of the server. In the extreme case that all comptrollers are "set", or no longer in service, the Speaker of the Unicameral Council of ADSIC shall become Fleet Comptroller and designate new comptrollers.
There should not be any fewer than three comptrollers.
Article IV: Establishment of an Legislative Wing[edit]
The Constitutional Guideline of ADSIC allows for the establishment of an Legislative Wing, which shall consist of a body of members whose duty is to coordinate with visitors and non-legislative members on how to create, edit, and effectively operate ADSIC.
Article IVb: Legislative Wing[edit]
The Legislative wing shall consist of a council, named the Unicameral Council of ADSIC. Members are allowed to possess the title of Unicameral Council Member, and shall be stylized by Senator Member /Name/ with the two letter state postcode, followed by a hyphen, and their school/alma mater, all in parenthesis.
An example is Unicameral Council Member John Doe (TX-Sample High School).
An acceptable abbreviation for position is UCM; Thus, UCM John Doe (TX-Sample HS)
Council Members are elected to six month terms with no limit to consecutive or total frequency.
Council Members are expected to operate the site on the level of a regular registered member, but are allowed considerable leeway in arbitrary authority. At the beginning of a term, a Speaker of the Unicameral Council of ADSIC must be elected by the council.
As of September 2007: The Council is set at ten members, but may be expanded to more dependent on the total number of members on ADSIC.
Article IVc:Election of Council Members[edit]
Council Member Elections and rules are determined and either upheld or redefined with every new election.
Article IVd: Note of Interest[edit]
Even though one of the Council's purposes is to accomplish the Adsic:todo list, a regular member may help accomplish this task at any time, and may communicate with the Council or the Comptrollership on what needs to be done.
Article V: Powers not Granted in the Constitutional Guideline[edit]
Minor and Semi-Major powers not granted in the Constitutional Guideline are granted within reason. Any Major powers not granted in the Constitutional Guideline must be introduced by amendment to the Constitution or a majority vote of the Unicameral Council of ADSIC.
Article VI: Expiry of Constitutional Guideline[edit]
The Constitutional Guideline shall not expire unless required, or if allowed to expire either by termination or suspension.
Article VII: Effective Date[edit]
This Constitutional Guideline is effective, including dates retroactive up to the Fifteenth Day of March, Two Thousand and Seven; on the Twenty-Fourth Day of September, Two Thousand and Seven.
Article VIII: Redefinition[edit]
This Constitutional Guideline shall be redefined with new terms classified in Constitution:Draft III.