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Connecticut State Records Page
Highest Nationals Ranking: 26th (2012, Trumbull)
Most Recent State Champion: Achievement First Amistad High School, Coach Martin Lechuga
Previous National Wins: None

State History - Connecticut Academic Decathlon 1987 - present[edit]

The first known mention of Connecticut on ADSIC is in 1987, though the state may have participated earlier.

Year State Champion State Score Rank at Nationals Score at Nationals Coaching
2025 Achievement First Amistad High School 30,177.0 TBD TBD Martin Lechuga
2024 New Fairfield High School 26,826.3 57th of 60 teams 22,682.8 Christine Haddad
2023 Amity Regional High School 27,379.3 48th of 55 teams 26,789.5 Laura Roessler
2022 Weston High School 31,692.8 38th of 45 teams 26,637.9 Erin Lucia
2021 New Fairfield High School 29,918.8 DNC DNC Tricia Andrews
2020 Weston High School 31,520.2 N/A N/A Stefanie Benson
2019 New Fairfield High School 31,367.9 65th of 73 teams 27,387.21 Tricia Andrews
2018 Trumbull High School 32,667.9 61st of 72 teams 30,572.2 Sara Ellis
2017 Trumbull High School 31,561.0 42nd of 51 teams 29,447.22 Sara Ellis & Dean Pelligra
2016 Trumbull High School 32,506.1 39th of 48 teams 32,425.5 Sara Ellis & Dean Pelligra
2015 New Fairfield High School 29,934.3 43rd of 46 teams 27,787.6 Ruby Parker
2014 New Fairfield High School 30,844 43rd of 47 teams 27,761.9 Ruby Parker
2013 New Fairfield High School 22,802 (9 events) 45th of 53 teams 27,592.1 Ruby Parker
2012 Trumbull High School 27,872 26 30,271.7
2011 Trumbull High School 26,376 32 27,804.5
2010 New Fairfield High School 27,592.9 32 28,196.9 Ruby Parker
2009 Hamden Hall Country Day School ? 34 28,261.3
2008 Hamden Hall Country Day School ? 33 35,153.3
2007 Hamden Hall Country Day School 28,520 28 35,641.3
2006 Hamden Hall Country Day School 23,191 36 28,333
2005 Hamden Hall Country Day School ? 31 32,002.6
2004 Central High School ? 39 27,762.6
2003 Hamden Hall Country Day School 24,785 30 33,380.3
2002 Montville High School ? ? ?
2001 Hamden Hall Country Day School ? 50 29,562
2000 Hamden Hall Country Day School ? ? ?
1998 Hamden Hall Country Day School ? 30 37,177
1997 Hamden Hall Country Day School ? ? ?
1995 Plainfield High School ? ? ? Dr. Carol Robbins and Dr. Franklyn Robbins
1994 Plainfield High School ? ? ? Carol Robbins
1990 Weston High School ? ? ? Doris Fitakis
1987 Branford High School ? 38 25,073

2In 2019, New Fairfield was unable to bring one of their two Varsities to Nationals (the other only participated in Essay and Art online beforehand). 2In 2017, Trumbull was unable to bring one of their two Varsities to Nationals (the other only participated in Essay and Art online beforehand). Another Varsity of theirs competed as an individual and would have brought their total to 33,829.9, 31st of 51 teams.