
Indiana State Records Page
Highest Nationals Ranking: 7th (1992, Bloomington)
Most Recent State Champion: Martinsville High School
Previous National Wins: None
State History - Indiana Academic Decathlon 1986- present[edit]
The Indiana Academic Decathlon began in 1986.
Year | State Champion | State Score | Rank at Nationals | Score at Nationals |
2024 | Martinsville High School | 26,170 | 45th of 60 teams | 27,682.8 |
2023 | Martinsville High School | 24,547 | 41st of 55 teams | 27,695.8 |
2022 | Martinsville High School | 19,633.4 | DNC | DNC |
2021 | Martinsville High School | 10,788.61 | DNC | DNC |
2020 | Martinsville High School | 38,514.6 | N/A | N/A |
2019 | Martinsville High School | 45,229.0 | 14th of 73 teams | 42,723.4 |
2018 | Martinsville High School | 43,009.0 | 12th of 72 teams | 43,720.1 |
2017 | Martinsville High School | 40,763.4 | 15th of 51 teams | 39,917.6 |
2016 | Reitz Memorial High School | 41,105.4 | 15th of 48 teams | 41,213.1 |
2015 | Reitz Memorial High School | 33,847 | 37th of 46 teams | 32,493.5 |
2014 | Martinsville High School | 41,197 | 19th of 47 teams | 40,230.4 |
2013 | Martinsville High School | 38,745 | 32nd of 53 teams | 33,997.4 |
2012 | Martinsville High School | 38,657 | 22nd of 32 teams | 36,852.7 |
2011 | Martinsville High School | 36,600 | 28th of 36 teams | 31,148.5 |
2010 | Martinsville High School | 41,328.5 | 11th of 36 teams | 39,712.9 |
2009 | Martinsville High School | 40,298 | 18th of 37 teams | 39,472.6 |
2008 | Martinsville High School | 44,021 | 16th of 41 teams | 43,017.3 |
2007 | Martinsville High School | 43,703 | 10th of 38 teams | 43,693.3 |
2006 | Martinsville High School | 40,035 | 13th of 38 teams | 39,200 |
2005 | Martinsville High School | Unknown | 17th of 38 teams | 38,517.4 |
2004 | Martinsville High School | 39,975 | 21st of 41 teams | 38,853.2 |
2003 | Martinsville High School | 42,263 | 14 | 39,641.3 |
2002 | Tri-West High School | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
2001 | Tri-West High School2 | Unknown | 29 | 34,372 |
2000 | Tri-West High School3 | 42,491 | Unknown | Unknown |
1999 | Martinsville High School | Unknown | 10 | 41,829 |
1998 | Martinsville High School | Unknown | 20 | 41,036 |
1997 | Bloomington High School South | Unknown | 14 | 43,250 |
1996 | Unknown4 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
1995 | Bloomington High School South | Unknown | Unknown | 43,060 |
1994 | Tri-West High School | Unknown | 16 | 40,503 |
1993 | Unknown5 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
1992 | Bloomington High School South | Unknown | 7 | 46,215 |
1991 | Bloomington High School South | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
1990 | North Central High School | Unknown | 13 | 40,202 |
1989 | Bloomington High School South | Unknown | 9 | 40,778 |
1988 | Bloomington High School South | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
1987 | North Central High School (Indianapolis) | Unknown | 16 | 38,821 |
1986 | North Central High School (Indianapolis) | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
1 In 2021, Martinsville competed with Iowa at their State competition. Their score is out of seven events (objectives only).
2 Tri-West Hendricks was Indiana's A team at Nationals; Martinsville was the B team and placed 30th at Nationals with 34,306 points.
3 Tri-West Hendricks was Indiana's A team at Nationals; Martinsville was the B team and scored 42,463 at the State Championship.
4 In 1996 either the Large School winner, Bloomington High School South, or the Small School Winner, Tri-West High School, won the State Championship.
5 In 1993 either the Large School winner, North Central High School (Indianapolis), or the Small School winner, Logansport High School, won the State Championship.
Total State Titles[edit]
Counting overall State Championships, not just Large or Small championships.
School Name | Number of Titles | Years Won |
Martinsville | 20 | 1997-1998, 2003-2014, 2017-2020, 2022-2024 |
Reitz Memorial | 2 | 2015-2016 |
Bloomington South | 6 | 1988-1989, 1991-1992, 1995, 1997 |
Tri-West Hendricks | 4 | 1994, 2000-2002 |
North Central (Indianapolis) | 3 | 1986-1997, 1990 |