Talk:Chris Yetman

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Shouldn't user pages be filled in by the people themselves? Or at least cleared with that person before-hand?

I'm fairly certain EDC would want to work on this himself rather than have hearsay posted about him (i.e. the "Prediction Controversy"). I mean who cares anyway? The fact that this section is more lengthy than his accomplishments section is ridiculous. The point of wikis is to present information without bias (last time I checked anyway) and a section about "controversy" will invariably contain a large amount of bias in it especially if that section is written by only one author.

And since when did we have "celebrities" on the message board?

- Adam 15:53 27 March 2007 (CST)

I redacted the controversy. At first, I thought it fitting as several people thought that he just restated the champion, as opposed to a prediction before hand. I have since began to redo the biographies in a more wikipedian way (like Dan's, which I rewrote extensively on wikipedia before others stepped in to continue the re-write)

I apologize for the slop job, and will not attempt that again.

KortEverettJackson 09:41, 28 March 2007 (PDT)

Sorry Kort, I didn't mean to be so abrasive. It's just been... an interesting week. My apologies.

And in regards to the celebrities comment: that was more me being amused at your diction rather than criticizing you. And it was definitely jealousy on my part that I had yet to be labeled a celebrity. /sarcasm

- Adam 17:56, 28 March 2007