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2017 marks the 10th anniversary year of the World Scholar's Cup. Regional team winning schools at over 100 local rounds around the world can be seen at the 2017 Meets page.

The topic for the 2017 season is "An Unlikely World".

The seniors and junior level subject areas are History, Literature, Arts & Music, Social Studies, Science and Technology, and a Special Area.


In 2017, the subject of History is the "History of Conspiracies," and includes such groups as alien invasions, the Illuminati and Lizard People and historical conspiracies such as the assassination of JFK and whether the Apollo 11 moon landing was faked.


In 2017, the subject of Literature is "Voices of the Almost Impossible," and includes a total of 13 poems, three drama pieces (including an excerpt from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar) and nine longer works.

Arts & Music

In 2017, the subject of Arts & Music is the "Fragments of an Improbable Universe," and includes four sets of arts and music with a total of 23 art pieces and 29 musical selections.

Social Studies

In 2017, the subject of Social Studies is "Predicting the Future," and focuses on scientific, historical, sports, weather and political predictions.

Science and Technology

In 2017, the subject of Science is "To Shoot for the Moon," and covers the history of space travel along with other "Moon Shots".

Special Area

In 2017, the special area is "Modern Mythology," which includes both the use of mythology in various cultures and more modern myths in the sports, business, and political worlds as well as urban legends.