Talk:Emergency Constitution of ADSIC (3-15-07)
I propose we steal from another project's social contract. I like Debian's contract and Open Directory Project's contracts, but obviously they would all need some rewording (esp the ones for linux distros, hah)
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stuff to think about -gil 16:44, 24 April 2007 (PDT)
True, we might borrow some of these ideas. GNL's and Soccon's work fairly well. First tho, we need delegates who are willing to read the constitution when it is written, and propose additional ideas. I have a rough draft, and will work with it, and hope to release draft 1 on May 2nd.
KortEverettJackson 19:10, 24 April 2007 (PDT)
software access[edit]
I think the line about software access should be changed to DB access. I think the information that kort is trying to address in that sentence is kept in the database.
also: should there be a site-wide to-do list in that constitution? and maybe it's the president's job to assign tasks?
i've give acccess to User:Kort and User:Adam. it needs to be mentioned in the constitution that edits to the software and db or software upgrades are not made without telling me first. that is important.-gil 14:13, 25 April 2007 (PDT)