From AcaDec Scores and Information Center
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Welcome to AcaDec Scores and Information Center!

Hello and welcome to the AcaDec Scores and Information Center (ADSIC). We hope you enjoy your stay here.

While you are here, you may investigate score reports from various National, State, and Regional Competitions from the United States Academic Decathlon. This site will also include biographical entries of noteworthy Academic Decathletes and coaches. The Bio list may also be expanded for schools, and that project may be started mid April at the earliest.

All earth-shattering updates will be updated here, such as format changes, huge database of scores added, etc.

Keep in mind that this site is in NO way affiliated with the United States Academic Decathlon, and we do not speak for them. If information/scores conflicts between ADSIC and USAD, USAD prevails.

Note of Caution

There are external links on ADSIC. These are placed by admins and users alike, and while we make every effort to avoid direct linkage to questionable material, one must proceed and follow these links with utmost caution. ADSIC is not liable for any damages.

4/29/07 Update by KortEverettJackson (Kort Everett Jackson) : CA Defends title

The 2007 Nationals scores are almost all the way up. El Camino Real won with 52,148.2 points. ECR now ties Richardson Pearce of Texas with 5 titles.

4/19/07 Update by KortEverettJackson (Kort Everett Jackson) : Creating a Tutorial/Manual

To assist our fellow editors at ADSIC, I will attempt to write a tutorial on how to edit the basic functions of MediaWiki and ADSIC, as well as how to format intermediate level code (such as HTML tables and "Bio infoboxes). The Tutorial will be protected so that no one can mess with it (although Gil, Adam and I can edit it without restriction).

3/19/07: Update by Gil (David Gilman) : ZOMG New Site Hierarchy

To keep pages sane, I'm moving pages to a new subpages structure. Yes, it means longer URLs for typing, but I think it will help keep things straight.

There are the three pages linked below which will be the root pages (regional, state, and nationals).

Next are the links to each state for regionals and state levels:

State/California - [[State/California|California]] is the syntax you would use to make a link to the California state page which will show up as "California".


Regionals and State then next have the year




If your state has different divisions at the state level, keep them on the state page. If the different regions in your state are small go ahead and put them on the same page.

-gil 20:17, 19 March 2007 (PDT)

Things to do

adsic:todo List of things that are up in the air for us to do.


Regionals Click here to go to the regional competitions page by state.

State Click here to go to the State competitions page by state.

Nationals Click here to go to the National Competitions page by year.

Scorers The top scorers in each GPA level and a list of the competitors who have broken 9000.

Topics A list of USAD's past topics.


Biography List Click here to go to the Biography list


ADSIC Editing Manual and Tutorial A must-know, very printable manual for anyone wishing to edit.

NOTE: While we won't force it upon you, ADSIC recommends that you at least read the basic functions before you begin editing.