Constitution talk:Draft I
PLEASE NOTE: The Only two votes allowed are APPROVED, or ABSTAIN. Any past votes will not be changed or nullified, but rather interpreted as one or the other. The reason why there is no "NO" vote is because the constitution may change to a situation favorable to the appeal of delegates, and allows for a change in vote to APPROVED. "Approved" votes are only changeable when a new major draft is designed.
KortEverettJackson 11:45, 19 May 2007 (PDT)
Belmontlau 9:44 pm Belmontlau 21:47, 13 May 2007 (PDT) Vote: In favor
Jonathan S-K 8:34 PM PDT 16 May 2007 JSK Vote: Not In favor (Thinks it too Complicated and therefore impractical) 20:39, 16 May 2007 (PDT)
KortEverettJackson 11:46, 19 May 2007 (PDT) Vote: APPROVED (though I may redo this to simplify language for Draft II)
In retrospect, this Constitution completely was full of bollocks and pissoir language. I'm glad we moved on to Constitution:DraftII. Really. But don't delete this... I've got a purpose for it... KortEverettJackson 19:50, 7 December 2007 (PST)