Constitution talk:DraftII/vote
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PLEASE NOTE: The Only two votes allowed are APPROVED, or ABSTAIN. Any past votes will not be changed or nullified, but rather interpreted as one or the other. The reason why there is no "NO" vote is because the constitution may change to a situation favorable to the appeal of delegates, and allows for a change in vote to APPROVED. "Approved" votes are only changeable when a new major draft is designed.
Edit This Section to cast vote[edit]
KortEverettJackson 17:04, 20 May 2007 (PDT) APPROVED
gil 19:26, 20 May 2007 (PDT) ABSTAIN
- What killed the old wiki was a combo-breaking combination of spam, proprietary software and a slow server. This new mediawiki software solves all of those problems, and I believe that constitutions and legislatures are trying to fix a problem that does not exist. Take a look at Wikipedia: they are the largest wiki with tens of thousands of editors and aside from a handful of committees they just discuss things on talk pages until they reach a consensus.
Drewagon 22:04, 20 May 2007 (PDT) APPROVE
- Much, much better. I don't think its necessary to have elections, but this is nice, simple, and to the point.
Carlos Francisco Lopez-Jimenez--Belmontlau 13:52, 21 May 2007 (PDT)
- Will need some clearing up of issues... I would definitely like to see a facet for faster communication than merely voting this manner to discuss issues. but for the moment... APPROVED
Adam 09:05, 8 June 2007 (PDT) - ABSTAIN for reasons Gil stated.