World Scholar's Cup
Welcome to the World Scholar's Cup Section!
Overview and Quick History
The World Scholar's Cup Section was established on June 8, 2007 to provide scores and information for the World Scholar's Cup, a competition founded by DemiDec founder and CEO Dan Berdichevsky as well as David Kimel and Scott Lichtenstein. The first World Finals was held in Seoul, South Korea on May 25 and 26, 2007. In 2017, there are three Global Rounds in Hanoi, Vietnam (June 26-July 1, 2017), Athens, Greece (July 17-23, 2017) and Cape Town, South Africa (August 11-15, 2017).
ADSIC is dedicated to provide scores, topical information and history as well as school biographies (perhaps) for the World Scholar's Cup (in addition to Academic Decathlon results). ADSIC does not formally endorse one competition over the other.
More Information Below: |
WSC Explained | WSC Website | WSC on Wikipedia | WSC History |