National Champion and Score[edit]
Kort Everett Jackson | David Gilman | Adam Cornish |
Waukesha West, 50,800 | Creighton Preparatory School 53,000+ | Matthew Faytak and Jonathan Spatolla-Knoll [Over 9000!!!] |
Individual Predictions Over 9,000[edit]
Kort Everett Jackson | David Gilman | Adam Cornish |
Frank Soberanis, Matthew Faytak, Johnathan Spatolla-Knoll | Creighton Preparatory School 53,000+ | Matthew Faytak and Jonathan Spatolla-Knoll [Over 9000!!!] |
Error in SQ scores I could WI get 3rd with 5505 and AZ get 4th with 5535? -Akwdb 5/20
Do you have a nationals score packet? I think someone who has that packet would be able to double check numbers. gil 13:01, 20 May 2007 (PDT)
I will try to get the score packet from my coach. -Akwdb 22:26, June 4
Upon looking at 2007tempsubmit, AZ had a score of 5335. AZ was truly in 4th place, and the issue is now considered closed unless new evidence is brought forth proving otherwise. KortEverettJackson 06:06, 21 July 2007 (PDT)
Overall individuals[edit]
I changed the format for overall individual scores slightly, to one I think is more clear/consistent. See if you want to make this change for the 2008 page. -Akwdb 22:27, June 4
Speech Showcase Participants[edit]
Our team watched a video of the 2007 showcase. This is all I remember.
Michael Abere, Wisconsin
Drake Bouzek, Iowa
Jarret Moon, Idaho
Jessica Chavez, Nebraska
Dua Hassan, Georgia
Mary Beth Steinburg, Tennessee
Jevhon Rivers, Illinois
Sarah Pickering, Arizona
Others: A speech on obesity/energy (if that helps jog anyone's memory :p) Madcap 04:43, 5 December 2009 (UTC)Madcap