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my name is trenton arce, or trent arce. competing at warren high school 2022-2025
if ya wanna say anything, discord is trent1159


Round 1 (2023)
at Veterans Memorial
Subject Score
Art 660
Econ 500
Lit 520
Math 400.0
Music 480
Science 640
Socsci 720
Objectives 3,920
Regionals (2023)
(medals unsure)
Subject Score
Art 840
Econ 520
Lit 620
Math 400.0
Music 780
Science 620
Socsci 700
Objectives 4,480
Speech 856.7
Essay 975
Interview 743.3
Subjectives 2,575.0
Total 7,055.0
State (2023)
Subject Score
Art 940
Econ ?
Lit ?
Math ?
Music ?
Science ?
Socsci ?
Speech ?
Essay ?
Interview ?
Objectives 4,742.9
Subjectives 2,540.0
Total 7,282.9
Round 1 (2024)
at Pearland
Subject Score
Art 880
Econ 800
Lit 740
Math 886.0
Music 860
Science 880
Socsci 860
Objectives 5,906.0
Regionals (2024)
Subject Score
Art 860
Econ 600
Lit 700
Math 885.7
Music 820
Science 880
Socsci 820
Speech 1000
Essay 862
Interview 856.7
Objectives 5,565.7
Subjectives 2,719.2
Total 8,284.9
State (2024)
Subject Score
Art 920
Econ 700
Lit 760
Math 800.0
Music 900
Science 940
Socsci 900
Speech 935
Essay 975
Interview 930.0
Objectives 5,920.0
Subjectives 2,840.0
Total 8,760.0
E-Nationals (2024)
Subject Score
Art 963.6
Econ 600
Lit 740
Math 911.1
Music 920
Science 963.6
Socsci 840
Objectives 5,938.3
Essay 687.5
Total 6,625.8
Round 1 (2025)
at Pearland
Subject Score
Art 920
Econ 940
Lit 820
Math 914.3
Music 900
Science 820
Socsci 840
Total 6,154.3