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Current Victor: Mount Michael Benedictine School
Official Website
State Scores
Regional Scores
  • Besides Prep's scores, these are only the scores from one region in this state.
  • Speech, Interview, Essay, and Super Quiz Written were not taken

Overall Team Results[edit]

Place School Score (7 events)
1 Omaha Burke High School 31,000
2 Creighton Preparatory School 28,720
3 Lincoln Northeast 23,200

Super Quiz[edit]

Place School Score (out of 6,000)
1 Omaha Burke 4,300
2 Creighton Prep 4,200
3 Omaha Central/Lincoln Northeast 3,xxx

Overall Individual Results[edit]

  • (Out of 6,000 - no subjectives or Super Quiz)
  • Alternates are included in this ranking, which is why the top scores in each category do not add up to the team score - both Prep and Burke had at least one alternate score higher than a regular tester.
Place Student School Score
1 Jake Campbell Creighton Prep 4,820
2 Tom Belatti Creighton Prep 4,700
3 Cara Nickolaus Lincoln Northeast 4,640
3 Ben Breckbill Lincoln Northeast 4,640
4 Alec Agan Omaha Burke 4,620
5 Dane Weinert Creighton Prep 4,560
6 Caya Simonsen Omaha Burke 4,420
7 John Gill Omaha Burke 4,400
Place Student School Score
1 Robb Dooling Omaha Burke 4,520
2 Zach Baca Creighton Prep 4,260
3 Michelle Clifford Omaha Burke 4,200
4 Kyle Seneker Omaha Burke 4,160
5 Unknown Unknown 3,9xx
Place Student School Score
1 Eugene Kim Omaha Burke 4,520
2 Andrew Nguyen Omaha Burke 4,480
3 Unknown Unknown 3,2xx

Score Matrix[edit]

  • These are only the scores from one regional in the state
  • This is a comparison of all the scores from every tester in every subject and their overall scores
  • They are listed in order from best to worst in each category
  • These do not include alternates


Math Music Art Lang-Lit Econ Social Science Total
920 900 780 780 920 860 4,640
880 840 760 680 780 840 4,640
840 800 760 620 760 760 4,620
840 780 720 620 720 760 4,400
800 740 700 600 680 680 4,380
760 740 680 600 660 660 3,940
760 660 660 600 660 620 3,840
760 640 640 580 640 580 3,680
760 580 540 560 520 540 3,540
720 560 540 560 500 420 3,280
560 540 500 520 480 380 3,200
520 520 440 500 420 320 2,780
480 440 400 480 380 260 2,740
480 400 340 360 600 220 2,560


Math Music Art Lang-Lit Econ Social Science Total
840 780 840 680 740 880 4,520
800 760 720 660 660 760 4,160
760 640 600 560 620 560 3,160
640 640 500 560 540 440 3,060
640 620 480 520 520 400 2,980
640 560 460 500 520 400 2,860
600 480 460 460 520 380 2,800
560 460 460 420 500 380 2,760
560 420 420 420 480 380 2,720
400 380 360 420 480 360 2,460
280 340 320 360 440 320 2,340
280 300 300 340 440 280 2,340
280 280 280 320 420 280 2,280
240 280 200 280 420 220 2,260


Math Music Art Lang-Lit Econ Social Science Total
680 880 820 780 740 720 4,520
680 860 720 760 700 660 4,480
680 520 540 580 600 600 3,180
680 520 520 440 480 440 2,720
600 460 500 400 460 400 2,700
520 460 380 400 400 360 2,600
360 420 380 380 400 360 2,360
360 420 360 360 360 360 2,180
360 340 340 260 340 360 2,120
320 320 340 260 340 320 2,000
320 260 280 240 320 280 1,800
200 160 240 200 320 180 1,700