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Current Victor: Wellesley High School
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State Scores
Regional Scores

The 2019 Massachusetts Regionals Competitions took place February 2, 2019. It was the first year that Massachusetts broke into three separate regions to compete. Region I was held at Pittsfield High School; Region II was held at Acton-Boxborough High School; and Region III was held at Milford High School.

Overall Team Scores[edit]

Place School Region Score Objs Subs
1 Acton-Boxborough Regional High School II 42,953.2 28,754.2 14,199.0
2 Wellesley High School III 32,946.5 19,962.9 12,983.6
3 Ashland High School II 32,764.0 20,537.0 12,227.0
4 Quincy High School III 31,820.5 17,937.2 13,883.3
5 Franklin High School III 29,679.5 17,742.9 11,936.6
6 Sharon High School III 28,351.1 16,740.1 11,611.0
7 Natick High School II 27,944.8 16,022.8 11,922.0
8 North Quincy High School III 26,362.6 14,594.3 11,768.3
9 Pittsfield High School I 25,853.6 14,045.6 11,808.0
10 Milford High School III 25,478.3 14,200.0 11,278.3
11 SABIS International School I 23,480.3 13,311.3 10,169.0
12 Austin Preparatory School II 22,267.1 13,277.1 8,990.0
13 Silver Lake High School III 21,536.7 12,925.7 8,611.0
14 Lexington High School II 20,548.3 12,854.3 7,694.0
15 Shepherd Hill High School III 19,986.0 11,860.0 8,126.0
16 Wilmington High School II 19,677.7 12,245.7 7,432.0
17 Matignon High School II 18,876.4 10,534.4 8,342.0
18 Tewksbury Memorial High School II 14,861.5 9,391.5 5,470.0
19 North Reading High School II 12,859.6 8,188.6 4,671.0
20 Westwood High School III 10,919.9 6,597.2 4,322.7
21 Taconic High School I 2,977.9 1,642.9 1,335.0

Overall Individual Scores[edit]


Place Student School Region Score Objs Subs
1 Ben Workman Wellesley III 8,405.6 5,828.6 2,577.0
2 Stefan Quaadgras Acton-Boxborough II 8,213.4 5,591.4 2,622.0
3 Poonam Sahoo Acton-Boxborough II 8,208.4 5,691.4 2,517.0
4 Alexandra Krylova Franklin III 7,996.2 5,562.9 2,433.3
5 James Hu Acton-Boxborough II 7,938.0 5,440.0 2,498.0
6 Sonia Subramaniam Wellesley III 7,425.0 4,765.7 2,659.3
7 Javier Lopez Wellesley III 6,852.4 4,345.7 2,506.7
8 Michael Tyrrell North Reading II 6,757.3 4,314.3 2,443.0
9 Emma Koskovich Natick II 6,692.1 4,237.1 2,455.0
10 David Han Westwood III 6,540.6 4,168.6 2,372.0
11 Andrew Xu Sharon III 6,489.9 4,082.9 2,407.0
12 Aditya Kansal Ashland II 6,350.1 4,177.1 2,173.0
13 Tara Sarma Lexington II 6,132.0 4,080.0 2,052.0
14 Nivashini Suresh Sharon III 6,128.6 3,868.6 2,260.0
15 Mary Regan North Reading II 6,102.3 3,874.3 2,228.0


Place Student School Region Score Objs Subs
1 Emory Peng Acton-Boxborough II 7,549.6 4,668.6 2,881.0
2 Andrew Hu Acton-Boxborough II 7,461.4 4,891.4 2,570.0
3 Nicholas Chafy Acton-Boxborough II 7,449.7 5,165.7 2,284.0
4 Brianna Doucette Ashland II 6,549.0 4,240.0 2,309.0
5 Olivia Bogiages Wellesley III 6,228.0 3,665.7 2,562.3
6 Joseph Amendolare Quincy III 6,070.6 3,834.3 2,236.3
7 Derek Mui Wellesley III 6,007.3 3,374.3 2,633.0
8 Raveena Ravi Sharon III 5,929.0 3,340.0 2,589.0
9 Clay Napurano Natick II 5,763.7 3,285.7 2,478.0
10 Arnav Jain Wellesley III 5,763.4 3,111.4 2,652.0


Place Student School Region Score Objs Subs
1 Ajay Karthik Acton-Boxborough II 6,014.0 4,060.0 1,954.0
2 Parth Mathur Acton-Boxborough II 5,506.4 3,851.4 1,655.0
3 Alon Efroni Ashland II 5,497.4 3,311.4 2,186.0
4 James DiSilvio Natick II 5,414.9 2,902.9 2,512.0
5 Ronan Fulcher Sharon III 5,120.7 2,945.7 2,175.0
6 Dillon Donahue Quincy III 5,067.4 2,525.7 2,541.7
7 David DeMello Franklin III 5,027.1 2,697.1 2,330.0
8 William Manning Wellesley III 4,880.6 2,328.6 2,552.0
9 Ethan Tilley Austin Prep II 4,731.7 2,885.7 1,846.0
10 Dustin Baker Quincy III 4,632.6 2,568.6 2,064.0