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Current Victor: Wellesley High School
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State Scores
Regional Scores

The 2022 Massachusetts Regionals Competitions took place online on February 5, 2022.

Overall Team Scores[edit]

Place School Region Score Objs Subs
1 Ashland High School II 32,910.3 19,877.2 13,436.0
2 Wellesley High School III 28,796.1 17,420.1 11,376.0
3 Springfield International Charter School III 26,775.6 13,491.3 13,290.0
4 Silver Lake High School III 25,869.5 13,214.2 12,861.0
5 Shepherd Hill High School III 25,449.8 13,742.8 11,756.0
6 Acton-Boxborough Regional High School II 24,320.7 16,971.4 7,349.3
7 Franklin High School III 23,032.0 14,440.0 9,045.0
8 Austin Preparatory School II 19,318.4 10,505.7 8,812.7
9 Natick High School II 17,371.0 8,860.0 8,516.0
10 Hopedale High School III 17,215.8 9,551.4 8,473.0
11 Lexington High School II 16,416.6 8,342.9 8,073.7
12 North Reading High School II 16,024.7 9,348.5 7,039.0
13 Milford High School III 15,894.4 8,971.4 6,923.0
14 North Quincy High School III 15,766.7 8,685.7 7,081.0
15 Westwood High School III 12,637.4 7,911.4 5,129.0
16 Wilmington High School II 10,611.8 6,242.8 4,369.0
17 Holliston High School II 9,090.9 4,902.9 4,188.0

Overall Individual Scores[edit]


Place Student School Region Score Objs Subs
1 Benjamin Langman Acton-Boxborough II 8,290.3 5,840.0 2,450.3
2 Isha Agarwal Acton-Boxborough II 7,660.3 5,314.3 2,346.0
3 Jacob Landau Wellesley III 7,657.9 4,942.9 2,715.0
4 Lauren Kim Wellesley III 7,049.3 4,374.3 2,675.0
5 Angus Willis Franklin III 6,671.4 4,511.4 2,160.0
6 Alex Vertikov Westwood III 6,428.7 3,845.7 2,583.0
7 Paul Awdeh Wellesley III 6,341.7 4,085.7 2,256.0
8 Bernie Xu Westwood III 6,208.7 4,065.7 2,143.0
9 Aditya Kansal Ashland II 6,186.0 4,480.0 1,706.0
10 Chris DaCosta North Reading II 6,140.7 3,745.7 2,395.0
11 Olivia Werkema Ashland II 6,123.9 3,982.9 2,141.0
12 Raaga Pulya Acton-Boxborough II 6,087.1 4,037.1 2,050.0
13 Kate Park Westwood III 5,823.1 3,277.1 2,546.0
14 Suraj Padmanabhan Ashland II 5,625.9 4,102.9 1,523.0
15 Joshua Anderson Milford III 5,415.9 3,462.9 1,953.0


Place Student School Region Score Objs Subs
1 Stanley Yuan Acton-Boxborough II 8,370.1 5,817.1 2,553
2 Sricharan Vijayakumar Ashland II 5,844.4 3,491.4 2,353
3 Michael Scoville Springfield International III 5,349.4 2,931.4 2,418
4 Jessica Chen North Quincy III 5,258.1 2,777.1 2,481
5 Dhashadyu Papineni Franklin III 4,989.4 3,031.4 1,958


Place Student School Region Score Objs Subs
1 Cecilia Labbe Ashland II 5,272.9 2,742.9 2,530
2 Emma Whitham Ashland II 5,121.0 2,580.0 2,541
3 Anna Anderson Franklin III 4,907.3 2,694.3 2,213
4 Alivia Jiang Wellesley III 4,873.6 3,068.6 1,805
5 Caroline MacInnis Silver Lake III 4,412.0 2,340.0 2,072