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Current Victor: Seneca Valley High School
State Scores
Regional Scores


Overall Results Cumulative[edit]

Location - Clarion Limestone High School Date - February 12, 2021

School Score Division
Seneca Valley High School 38,618 Large School 1st
McDowell High School 37,172 Large School 2nd
Clarion Limestone High School 35,118 Small School 1st
NW PA Collegiate Academy 33,153 Large School 3rd
Moniteau High School 29,460 Small School 2nd
North Clarion High School 28,643 Small School 3rd
Northwestern High School 20,042 Small School 4th
Cochranton High School 18,099 Small School 5th
Commodore Perry High School 14,614 Small School 6th


Overall Awards[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 7,540
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 7,450
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 7,315
- - - -
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 7,128
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 6,446
Scholastic Rayan Ghaffar Seneca Valley 6,375
- - - -
Varsity Quang Nguyen Seneca Valley 6,023
Varsity Cody Brown Moniteau 5,633
Varsity Owen Snyder McDowell 5,585



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 962
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 952
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 919
- - - -
Scholastic Rayan Ghaffar Seneca Valley 806
Scholastic Shanker Pillai Seneca Valley 671
Scholastic Taylor Markle Collegiate Academy 667
- - - -
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 770
Varsity Nabiah Bhattit Collegiate Academy 698
Varsity Jason Nguyen Collegiate Academy 603


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 935
Honors Samuel Ault Cochranton 846
Honors Jocalyn Henry Clarion Limestone 749
- - - -
Scholastic Celeste Beck Moniteau 904
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 670
Scholastic Peyton Smith Clarion Limestone 646
- - - -
Varsity Nick Caro Clarion Limestone 830
Varsity Parker Evans North Clarion 748
Varsity Matt Bendure Northwestern 689



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 680
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 640
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 580
Honors Hannah Speranza Collegiate Academy 580
- - - -
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 680
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 640
Scholastic Rayan Ghaffar Seneca Valley 460
- - - -
Varsity Quang Nguyen Seneca Valley 600
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 420
Varsity Owen Snyder McDowell 400


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Molly Milich Moniteau 620
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 600
Honors Mackenzie Confer Moniteau 540
Honors Michael Snyder Clarion Limestone 540
- - - -
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 480
Scholastic Sophia Wise North Clarion 460
Scholastic Logan Campbell Moniteau 380
Scholastic Robyn Stahlman Clarion Limestone 380
- - - -
Varsity Cody Brown Moniteau 420
Varsity Gavin Collard Moniteau 380
Varsity Justin Nelson Clarion Limestone 340



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 1000
Honors Nicholas Nedzensky Seneca Valley 860
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 860
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 780
- - - -
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 800
Scholastic Same Flanagan McDowell 760
Scholastic Shanker Pillai Seneca Valley 700
Scholastic Jackelin Reyes Collegiate Academy 700
- - - -
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 840
Varsity Nabiah Bhattit Collegiate Academy 640
Varsity Jason Nguyen McDowell 540


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 820
Honors Michael Snyder Clarion Limestone 680
Honors Jocalyn Henry Clarion Limestone 600
- - - -
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 720
Scholastic Peyton Smith Clarion Limestone 640
Scholastic Sophia Wise North Clarion 560
- - - -
Varsity Nathan Megnin Clarion Limestone 600
Varsity Nick Caro Clarion Limestone 540
Varsity Justin Nelson Clarion Limestone 540
Varsity Cody Brown Moniteau 500



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 880
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 880
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 800
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 760
- - - -
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 900
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 820
Scholastic Jackelin Reyes Collegiate Academy 640
- - - -
Varsity Katherine Hilling Seneca Valley 740
Varsity Jason Nguyen McDowell 700
Varsity Owen Snyder McDowell 660


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 900
Honors Hannah Hays Commodore Perry 780
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 740
- - - -
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 720
Scholastic Logan Campbell Moniteau 700
Scholastic Jillian Milich Moniteau 620
Scholastic Lydia Wagner Cochranton 620
- - - -
Varsity Cody Brown Moniteau 800
Varsity Nathan Megnin Clarion Limestone 700
Varsity Justin Nelson Clarion Limestone 660



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 960
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 935
Honors Cleo Raines Collegiate Academy 870
- - - -
Scholastic Rayan Ghaffar Seneca Valley 995
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 965
Scholastic Jayce Braggins Collegiate Academy 840
- - - -
Varsity Shyleanna Acosta Collegiate Academy 943
Varsity Katherine Hilling Seneca Valley 930
Varsity Jason Nguyen McDowell 860


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 970
Honors Kendall Rose Cochranton 955
Honors Michael Snyder Clarion Limestone 810
- - - -
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 857
Scholastic Logan Campbell Moniteau 845
Scholastic Sophia Wise North Clarion 825
- - - -
Varsity Parker Evans North Clarion 913
Varsity Cody Brown Moniteau 903
Varsity Nathan Megnin Clarion Limestone 797



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 1,000
Honors Eric Page Eric Page 930
Honors Cleo Raines Collegiate Academy 820
- - - -
Scholastic Rayan Ghaffar Seneca Valley 845
Scholastic Jackelin Reyes Collegiate Academy 810
Scholastic Shanker Pillai Seneca Valley 750
- - - -
Varsity Quang Nguyen Seneca Valley 950
Varsity Shyleanna Acosta Collegiate Academy 817
Varsity Nabiah Bhattit Collegiate Academy 810


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 935
Honors Kendall Rose Cochranton 930
Honors Mackenzie Confer Moniteau 900
- - - -
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 880
Scholastic Robyn Stahlman Clarion Limestone 780
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 675
- - - -
Varsity Nathan Megnin Clarion Limestone 867
Varsity Nick Caro Clarion Limetsone 847
Varsity Justin Nelson Clarion Limestone 845



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 800
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 543
Honors Nicholas Nedzensky Seneca Valley 486
Honors Hannah Speranza Collegiate Academy 486
- - - -
Scholastic Kelvin Li McDowell 771
Scholastic Shanker Pillai Seneca Valley 657
Scholastic Rayan Ghaffar Seneca Valley 629
- - - -
Varsity Quang Nguyen Seneca Valley 743
Varsity Nabiah Bhattit Collegiate Academy 486
Varsity Shyleanna Acosta Collegiate Academy 400


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 429
Honors Brannan Saxton Northwestern 400
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 400
Honors Brandon Ochs North Clarion 343
- - - -
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 371
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 286
Scholastic Logan Campbell Moniteau 286
Scholastic Rianna-Lynn Maloney Cochranton 286
Scholastic Peyton Smith Clarion Limestone 286
Scholastic Sophia Wise North Clarion 257
Scholastic Celeste Beck Moniteau 257
- - - -
Varsity Matt Bendure Northwestern 429
Varsity Nathan Megnin Clarion Limetsone 371
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 343



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 880
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 840
Honors Hannah Speranza Collegiate Academy 780
- - - -
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 720
Scholastic Rayan Ghaffar Seneca Valley 660
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 640
- - - -
Varsity Owen Snyder McDowell 640
Varsity Quang Nguyen Seneca Valley 640
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 540
Varsity Katherine Hilling Seneca Valley 520


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limetsone 800
Honors Samuel Ault Cochranton 660
Honors Michael Snyder Clarion Limestone 620
- - - -
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 660
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 560
Scholastic Robyn Stahlman Clarion Limestone 540
Scholastic Lydia Wagner Cochranton 540
- - - -
Varsity Cody Brown Moniteau 540
Varsity Nathan Megnin Clarion Limetsone 520
Varsity Nick Caro North Clarion 500



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 600
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 580
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 540
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 540
- - - -
Scholastic Shanker Pillai Seneca Valley 660
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 620
Scholastic Rayan Ghaffar Seneca Valley 520
Scholastic Kelvin Li McDowell 520
- - - -
Varsity Quang Nguyen Seneca Valley 560
Varsity Owen Snyder McDowell 440
Varsity Nabiah Bhattit Collegiate Academy 380
Varsity Shyleanna Acosta Collegiate Academy 380


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 480
Honors Samuel Ault Cochranton 460
Honors Michael Snyder Clarion Limestone 440
- - - -
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 440
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 440
Scholastic Lydia Wagner Cochranton 420
Scholastic Logan Campbell Moniteau 380
- - - -
Varsity Cody Brown Moniteau 460
Varsity Nathan Megnin Clarion Limetsone 420
Varsity Sarah Zona North Clarion 380


Social Science[edit]

Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 700
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 640
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 640
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 620
- - - -
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 760
Scholastic Jackelin Reyes Collegiate Academy 740
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 600
Scholastic Shanker Pillai Seneca Valley 600
- - - -
Varsity Owen Snyder McDowell 620
Varsity Katherine Hilling Seneca Valley 520
Varsity Atiana Pugh McDowell 400


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 700
Honors Mackenzie Confer Moniteau 520
Honors Hannah Hays Commodore Perry 460
Honors Brennan Saxton Northwestern 460
Honors Michael Snyder Clarion Limestone 460
- - - -
Scholastic Logan Campbell Moniteau 640
Scholastic Peyton Smith Clarion Limestone 600
Scholastic Celeste Beck Moniteau 440
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 440
- - - -
Varsity Cody Brown Moniteau 520
Varsity Nick Caro Clarion Limetsone 500
Varsity Justin Nelson Clarion Limestone 380