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Current Victor: Souderton Area High School
State Scores
Regional Scores




Overall Results Cumulative[edit]

Location - Montgomery County Community College Date - February 6, 2016

School Score
North Penn High School 41,343
Souderton Area High School 39,758
Harriton High School 32,198
Methacton High School 18,002
Renaissance Academy 13,807


Overall Awards[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Cathy Yang North Penn 8,405
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 8,131
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 8,087
- - - -
Scholastic Parth Nigam North Penn 7,258
Scholastic Stephen Dietrich Souderton 6,886
Scholastic Safwanur Rahman North Penn 6,480
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 6,258
Varsity Stephen Sherlock Souderton 5,871
Varsity James Nyce Souderton 5,498



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Emily Cheng Methacton 933
Honors Cathy Yang North Penn 930
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 919
- - - -
Scholastic Stephen Dietrich Souderton 870
Scholastic Parth Nigam North Penn 774
Scholastic Safwanur Rahman North Penn 715
- - - -
Varsity Isabel Lopez Renaissance Academy 699
Varsity Joe Donatucci North Penn 645
Varsity James Nyce Souderton 640



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Cathy Yang North Penn 860
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 840
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 780
- - - -
Scholastic Safwanur Rahman North Penn 620
Scholastic Parth Nigam North Penn 500
Scholastic Chirag Bhatia North Penn 440
- - - -
Varsity Stephen Sherlock Souderton 560
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 500
Varsity James Nyce Souderton 440



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 860
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 780
Honors Cathy Yang North Penn 760
- - - -
Scholastic Safwanur Rahman North Penn 600
Scholastic Stephen Dietrich Souderton 540
Scholastic Parth Nigam North Penn 520
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 660
Varsity Duncan Urquhart Harriton 540
Varsity James Nyce Souderton 500



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Cathy Yang North Penn 920
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 780
Honors Yang Yue North Penn
- - - -
Scholastic Parth Nigam North Penn 680
Scholastic Michael Hibbert Souderton 540
Scholastic Safwanur Rahman North Penn 520
Scholastic Chirag Bhatia North Penn 520
Scholastic Jake Rothschild Harriton 520
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 600
Varsity Duncan Urquhart Harriton 560
Varsity James Nyce Souderton 520



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 857
Honors Dan Prongay Souderton 828
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 800
- - - -
Scholastic Kedar Karhadkar Harriton 942
Scholastic Parth Nigam North Penn 714
Scholastic Jake Rothschild Harriton 685
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 571
Varsity Duncan Urquhart Harriton 571
Varsity David Sherwood Souderton 542
Varsity Stephen Sherlock Souderton 457


Social Science[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 900
Honors Cathy Yang North Penn 860
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 760
- - - -
Scholastic Stephen Dietrich Souderton 700
Scholastic Parth Nigam North Penn 700
Scholastic Safwanur Rahman North Penn 580
Scholastic Chirag Bhatia North Penn 560
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 440
Varsity Stephen Sherlock Souderton 420
Varsity Duncan Urquhart Harriton 320



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 900
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 880
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 860
- - - -
Scholastic Stephen Dietrich Souderton 920
Scholastic Michael Hibbert Souderton 900
Scholastic Chirag Bhatia North Penn 840
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 820
Varsity Daniel Sibel North Penn 720
Varsity Stephen Sherlock Souderton 700



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 960
Honors Cathy Yang North Penn 960
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 920
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 900
- - - -
Scholastic Parth Nigam North Penn 900
Scholastic Michael Hibbert Souderton 800
Scholastic Kedar Karhadkar Harriton 760
- - - -
Varsity David Sherwood Souderton 860
Varsity James Nyce Souderton 800
Varsity Duncan Urquhart Harriton 800
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 740



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 887
Honors Dan Prongay Souderton 793
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 740
- - - -
Scholastic Jaime Tebas-Pueyo Harriton 940
Scholastic Stephen Dietrich Souderton 905
Scholastic Chirag Bhatia North Penn 905
Scholastic Parth Nigam North Penn 890
- - - -
Varsity Parth Shukla Harriton 885
Varsity Stephen Sherlock Souderton 750
Varsity Daniel Sibel North Penn 735



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 987
Honors Vera Lee Harriton 950
Honors Brooke Krancer Harriton 930
- - - -
Scholastic Matt Ruth Souderton 960
Scholastic Chirag Bhatia North Penn 920
Scholastic Stephen Dietrich Souderton 900
- - - -
Varsity Isabel Lopez North Penn 785
Varsity Stephen Sherlock North Penn 780
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 770
Varsity Parth Shukla Harriton 770