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Current Victor: Souderton Area High School
State Scores
Regional Scores




Overall Results Cumulative[edit]

Location - Seneca Valley High School Date - February 2-3, 2023

School Score Division
Seneca Valley High School 40,422 Large School 1st
NW PA Collegiate Academy 36,656 Large School 2nd
McDowell High School 35,744 Large School 3rd
North Clarion High School 31,872 Small School 1st
Moniteau High School 30,283 Small School 2nd
Clarion-Limestone High School 29,642 Small School 3rd
Commodore Perry High School 26,903 Small School 4th
Cochranton High School 8,405 Small School 5th
Northwestern High School 7,667 Small School 6th


Overall Awards[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 8,019
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 7,987
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 7,764
- - - -
Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 7,545
Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 7,274
Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 6,991
- - - -
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 6,517
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 6,020
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 5,506



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 775
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 775
Honors Rohini Umesh Seneca Valley 775
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 750
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 750
Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 750
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 625
- - - -
Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 925
Scholastic Ava West Collegiate Academy 900
Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 900
Scholastic Sydnie Ashley Collegiate Academy 675
Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 675
- - - -
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 900
Varsity Isaiah Mooney Collegiate Academy 875
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 650


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 675
Honors Karolina Karner Moniteau 675
Honors Riley Rinker Clarion Limestone 600
Honors Helena Dillaman Commodore Perry 575
- - - -
Scholastic Brandon Ochs North Clarion 900
Scholastic Laci Marstellar Commodore Perry 825
Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion Limestone 800
- - - -
Varsity Dominic Shannon Clarion Limestone 650
Varsity Natalie Fedorchak Moniteau 625
Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 600



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 700
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 680
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 660
- - - -
Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 840
Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 600
Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 580
- - - -
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 600
Varsity Nariah Prude Collegiate Academy 500
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 480


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Logan Ryan Moniteau 600
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 580
Honors Gwen Griebel North Clarion 520
- - - -
Scholastic Veronica Miller Moniteau 580
Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion Limestone 560
Scholastic Heath Shaner Moniteau 440
- - - -
Varsity Pereston Peterson Commodore Perry 440
Varsity Owen Wright Clarion Limestone 420
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 420
Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 380
Varsity Gavin Collard Moniteau 380



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 900
Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 900
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 840
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 760
- - - -
Scholastic Tymothy Parfenyuk McDowell 840
Scholastic Rohin Jarayaman Seneca Valley 760
Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 740
- - - -
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 680
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 600
Varsity Isaiah Mooney Collegiate Academy 580


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 720
Honors Isabella Snyder Commodore Perry 680
Honors Logan Ryan Moniteau 660
Honors Karolina Karner Moniteau 660
- - - -
Scholastic Sarah Zona North Clarion 580
Scholastic Veronica Miller Moniteau 580
Scholastic Brandon Ochs North Clarion 540
Scholastic Laci Marstellar Commodore Perry 540
Scholastic Eva Beck North Clarion 500
- - - -
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 560
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 460
Varsity Dominic Shannon Clarion Limestone 440
Varsity Kaitlyn Zona North Clarion 440
Varsity Gavin Collard Moniteau 440
Varsity Pereston Peterson Commodore Perry 440



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 700
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 660
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 640
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 640
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 640
- - - -
Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 780
Scholastic Tymothy Parfenyuk McDowell 620
Scholastic Ava West Collegiate Academy 580
- - - -
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 520
Varsity Camren Wiley Collegiate Academy 480
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 480
Varsity Nariah Prude Collegiate Academy 440
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 440


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Hannah Hays Commodore Perry 720
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 580
Honors Isabella Snyder Commodore Perry 560
- - - -
Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion Limestone 600
Scholastic Brandon Ochs North Clarion 540
Scholastic Sarah Zona North Clarion 540
Scholastic Heath Shaner Moniteau 480
Scholastic Laci Marstellar Commodore Perry 480
- - - -
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 520
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 440
Varsity Pereston Peterson Commodore Perry 440
Varsity Owen Wright Clarion Limestone 420
Varsity Kaitlyn Zona North Clarion 420



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 960
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 960
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 930
Honors Soluchana Dahal Collegiate Academy 920
- - - -
Scholastic Ava West Collegiate Academy 860
Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 850
Scholastic Sydnie Ashley Collegiate Academy 810
Scholastic Elijah Petsch McDowell 810
Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 810
- - - -
Varsity Isaiah Mooney Collegiate Academy 940
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 930
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 850


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Logan Ryan Moniteau 920
Honors Kendall Rose Cochranton 900
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 860
- - - -
Scholastic Sarah Zona North Clarion 900
Scholastic Veronica Miller Moniteau 760
Scholastic Eva Beck North Clarion 730
- - - -
Varsity Kaitlyn Zona North Clarion 850
Varsity Gavin Collard Moniteau 780
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 750



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 980
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 960
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 910
- - - -
Scholastic Maggie Waller McDowell 910
Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 910
Scholastic Manaal Hussein Collegiate Academy 900
Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 890
- - - -
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 940
Varsity Nariah Prude Collegiate Academy 910
Varsity Camren Wiley Collegiate Academy 770


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 910
Honors Jack Pappas North Clarion 880
Honors Helena Dillaman Commodore Perry 880
Honors Isabella Snyder Commodore Perry 880
Honors Logan Ryan Moniteau 850
- - - -
Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion Limestone 950
Scholastic Natalie Sheier Commodore Perry 920
Scholastic Eva Beck North Clarion 890
- - - -
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 930
Varsity Pereston Peterson Commodore Perry 930
Varsity Dominic Shannon Clarion Limestone 900
Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 780
Varsity Owen Wright Clarion Limestone 780



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 914
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 857
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 743
- - - -
Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 829
Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 800
Scholastic Maggie Waller McDowell 514
- - - -
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 486
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 457
Varsity Camren Wiley Collegiate Academy 429


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 857
Honors Brennan Saxton Northwestern 543
Honors Riley Rinker Clarion Limestone 514
Honors Jordyn Barzano Northwestern 514
- - - -
Scholastic Brandon Ochs North Clarion 829
Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion Limestone 514
Scholastic Zane Rott Moniteau 429
- - - -
Varsity Kaitlyn Zona North Clarion 543
Varsity Pereston Peterson Commodore Perry 400
Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 343



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 860
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 840
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 820
- - - -
Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 860
Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 820
Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 760
- - - -
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 580
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 540
Varsity Sara Page McDowell 520
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 520


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Karolina Karner Moniteau 560
Honors Casey Love Clarion Limestone 540
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 540
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 500
- - - -
Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion Limestone 540
Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion Limestone 540
Scholastic Brandon Ochs North Clarion 500
Scholastic Jack Monnoyer Clarion Limestone 440
- - - -
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 600
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 480
Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 460



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 780
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 760
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 760
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 720
- - - -
Scholastic Manaal Hussein Collegiate Academy 580
Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 520
Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 520
Scholastic Tymothy Parfenyuk McDowell 480
Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 480
- - - -
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 680
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 500
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 440


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 400
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 400
Honors Helena Dillaman Commodore Perry 400
Honors Isabella Snyder Commodore Perry 400
Honors Maia Strom Clarion Limestone 380
Honors Gwen Griebel North Clarion 360
Honors Brennan Saxton Northwestern 360
- - - -
Scholastic Brandon Ochs North Clarion 440
Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion Limestone 380
Scholastic Veronica Miller Moniteau 360
- - - -
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 440
Varsity Pereston Peterson Commodore Perry 380
Varsity Dominic Shannon Clarion Limestone 360
Varsity Kaitlyn Zona North Clarion 360


Social Science[edit]

Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 960
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbeva McDowell 960
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 920
Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 880
- - - -
Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 720
Scholastic Elijah Petsch McDowell 680
Scholastic Manaal Hussein Collegiate Academy 660
- - - -
Varsity Isaiah Mooney Collegiate Academy 820
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 820
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 780
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 560


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Logan Ryan Moniteau 740
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 620
Honors Isabella Snyder Commodore Perry 580
- - - -
Scholastic Heath Shaner Moniteau 880
Scholastic Zane Rott Moniteau 500
Scholastic Veronica Miller Moniteau 480
- - - -
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 460
Varsity Gavin Collard Moniteau 460
Varsity Owen Wright Clarion Limestone 420
Varsity Dominic Shannon Clarion Limestone 400