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Current Victor: Souderton Area High School
State Scores
Regional Scores




Overall Results Cumulative[edit]

Location - Penns Valley High School Date - February 7, 2020

School Score Division
Souderton Area High School 39,240 Eastern PA 1st
North Penn High School 38,176 Eastern PA 2nd
Methacton High School 36,292 Eastern PA 3rd
Penns Valley High School 34,790 Central PA 1st
Carlisle High School 33,302 Central PA 2nd
Montoursville High School 28,429 Central PA 3rd
South Williamsport High School 27,309 Central PA 4th
Bellefonte High School 8,917 Central PA 5th


Overall Awards[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Magen Swartley Souderton 8,133
Honors Srikrishna Chakravarthi North Penn 7,916
Honors Maggie Zong North Penn 7,737
- - - -
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 7,332
Scholastic Jessica Zhao North Penn 6,599
Scholastic Ryan Schlipf Souderton 6,292
- - - -
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 6,749
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 6,705
Varsity Nicole Zhang Methacton 5,769



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ananya Venkatachalam North Penn 895
Honors Sung Cho Methacton 895
Honors Irene Biju Methacton 891
Honors Dervla Dolan Carlisle 851
- - - -
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 850
Scholastic Andrew Wang Methacton 740
Scholastic Brandon Clifford Carlisle 735
- - - -
Varsity Nicole Zhang Methacton 802
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 695
Varsity Wilson Scudder Carlisle 685


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Christian Smith Montoursville 861
Honors Genesis Lukasiewicz South Wililamsport 835
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 805
- - - -
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 830
Scholastic Liam Hill South Williamsport 810
Scholastic Raines Whitehill Penns Valley 745
- - - -
Varsity Sam Hostrander South Williamsport 480
Varsity Gabby Cornish Montoursville 470
Varsity Amanda Grove Penns Valley 360



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Roman Stanell Souderton 720
Honors Magen Swartley Souderton 720
Honors Sung Cho Methacton 700
Honors Maggie Zong North Penn 680
- - - -
Scholastic Matt Bieck Souderton 600
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 540
Scholastic Ryan Schlipf Souderton 480
- - - -
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 520
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 500
Varsity Aakash Patil North Penn 440


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ben Hawkins Penns Valley 720
Honors Christian Smith Montoursville 540
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 500
- - - -
Scholastic Owen Zehr Penns Valley 380
Scholastic Raines Whitehill Penns Valley 340
Scholastic Alexander Kremer Montoursville 320
Scholastic Emily Bertin Montoursville 320
- - - -
Varsity Ian Foote Montoursville 380
Varsity Eddy Brown Montoursville 280
Varsity Owen Korman Penns Valley 280
Varsity Amanda Grove Penns Valley 260
Varsity Jacob Blass South Williamsport 260



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Magen Swartley Souderton 820
Honors Maggie Zong North Penn 820
Honors Roman Stanell Souderton 800
Honors Srikrishna Chakravarthi North Penn 740
- - - -
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 880
Scholastic Jessica Zhao North Penn 620
Scholastic Ian Case Carlisle 600
- - - -
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 600
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 600
Varsity Colin Carmody Souderton 540
Varsity Wilson Scudder Carlisle 460


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ben Hawkins Penns Valley 840
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 760
Honors Colton Sands Penns Valley 660
- - - -
Scholastic Owen Zehr Penns Valley 480
Scholastic Michael Speacht Montoursville 400
Scholastic Emily Bertin Montoursville 380
Scholastic Raines Whitehill Penns Valley 380
Scholastic Maddie McCool Penns Valley 380
- - - -
Varsity Owen Korman Penns Valley 520
Varsity Eddy Brown Montoursville 400
Varsity Amanda Grove Penns Valley 320
Varsity Jacob Blass South Williamsport 320



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Dervla Dolan Carlisle 840
Honors Magen Swartley Souderton 820
Honors Maggie Zong North Penn 780
- - - -
Scholastic Matt Bieck Souderton 760
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 680
Scholastic Jessica Zhao North Penn 600
Scholastic Ian Case Carlisle 600
- - - -
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 680
Varsity Nicole Zhang Methacton 640
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 620


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Julia Mertes Montoursville 740
Honors Ben Hawkins Penns Valley 700
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 680
- - - -
Scholastic Emily Bertin Montoursville 620
Scholastic Alexander Kremer Montoursville 520
Scholastic Owen Zehr Penns Valley 520
Scholastic Michael Speacht Montoursville 480
Scholastic Liam Hill South Williamsport 480
- - - -
Varsity Ian Foote Montoursville 500
Varsity Owen Korman Penns Valley 400
Varsity Gabby Cornish Montoursville 360
Varsity Amanda Grove Penns Valley 360



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ananya Venkatachalam North Penn 857
Honors Irene Biju Methacton 857
Honors Magen Swartley Souderton 828
Honors Sung Cho Methacton 828
Honors Srikrishna Chakravarthi North Penn 771
- - - -
Scholastic Andrew Wang Methacton 771
Scholastic Jessica Zhao North Penn 714
Scholastic Ryan Schlipf Souderton 657
Scholastic Kyle Voron North Penn 657
- - - -
Varsity Nick Chan Methacton 600
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 571
Varsity Nick Leiss Souderton 485
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 485


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ben Hawkins Penns Valley 742
Honors Colton Sands Penns Valley 742
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 685
Honors Elizabeth Manning South Williamsport 657
- - - -
Scholastic Raines Whitehill Penns Valley 542
Scholastic Liam Hill South Williamsport 485
Scholastic Alexander Kremer Montoursville 457
Scholastic Amilee Miller South Williamsport 457
- - - -
Varsity Sam Hostrander South Williamsport 542
Varsity Eddy Brown Montoursville 457
Varsity Ian Foote Montoursville 314


Social Science[edit]

Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Magen Swartley Souderton 800
Honors Roman Stanell Souderton 760
Honors Srikrishna Chakravarthi North Penn 740
- - - -
Scholastic Jessica Zhao North Penn 680
Scholastic Ryan Schlipf Souderton 660
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 600
- - - -
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 660
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 600
Varsity Aakash Patil North Penn 500


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 840
Honors Christian Smith Montoursville 800
Honors Ben Hawkins South Williamsport 740
- - - -
Scholastic Raines Whitehill Penns Valley 540
Scholastic Michael Speacht Montoursville 480
Scholastic Emily Bertin Montoursville 400
Scholastic Maddie McCool Pens Valley 400
- - - -
Varsity Ian Foote Montoursville 380
Varsity Eddy Brown Montoursville 380
Varsity Owen Korman Penns Valley 380
Varsity Jacob Blass South Williamsport 320
Varsity Sam Hostrander South Williamsport 300



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Magen Swartley Souderton 860
Honors Srikrishna Chakravarthi North Penn 780
Honors Maggie Zong North Penn 760
- - - -
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 660
Scholastic Ryan Schlipf Souderton 600
Scholastic Kyle Voron North Penn 600
Scholastic Jessica Zhao North Penn 580
- - - -
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 720
Varsity Nicole Zhang Methacton 700
Varsity Rajal Vyas North Penn 600
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 600


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ben Hawkins Penns Valley 800
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 780
Honors Christian Smith Montoursville 620
- - - -
Scholastic Raines Whitehill Penns Valley 580
Scholastic Michael Speacht Montoursville 520
Scholastic Owen Zehr Penns Valley 500
- - - -
Varsity Eddy Brown Montoursville 640
Varsity Owen Korman Penns Valley 420
Varsity Jacob Blass South Williamsport 320



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Magen Swartley Souderton 920
Honors Srikrishna Chakravarthi North Penn 880
Honors Maggie Zong North Penn 820
- - - -
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 700
Scholastic Ryan Schlipf Souderton 640
Scholastic Jessica Zhao North Penn 640
Scholastic Andrew Wang Methacton 620
- - - -
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 800
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 720
Varsity Nicole Zhang Methacton 660
Varsity Tommy Landis Carlisle 660


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 840
Honors Ben Hawkins Penns Valley 760
Honors Christian Smith Montoursville 600
Honors Colton Sands Penns Valley 600
- - - -
Scholastic Owen Zehr Penns Valley 600
Scholastic Liam Hill South Williamsport 580
Scholastic Raines Whitehill Penns Valley 560
- - - -
Varsity Eddy Brown Montoursville 540
Varsity Jacob Blass South Williamsport 480
Varsity Sam Hostrander South Williamsport 480
Varsity Ian Foote Montoursville 420
Varsity Owen Korman Penns Valley 420



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Maggie Zong North Penn 1,000
Honors Srikrishna Chakravarthi North Penn 980
Honors Sung Cho Methacton 920
- - - -
Scholastic Jessica Zhao North Penn 980
Scholastic Andrew Wang Methacton 960
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 930
- - - -
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 980
Varsity Shelton Bai Methacton 910
Varsity Aakash Patil North Penn 870


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 890
Honors Colton Sands Penns Valley 870
Honors Genesis Lukasiewicz South Williamsport 860
Honors Elizabeth Manning South Williamsport 860
- - - -
Scholastic Raines Whitehill Penns Valley 950
Scholastic Alexander Kremer Montoursville 930
Scholastic Eli McBride South Williamsport 870
- - - -
Varsity Gabby Cornish Montoursville 770
Varsity Jacob Blass South Williamsport 770
Varsity Owen Korman Penns Valley 740
Varsity Amanda Grove Penns Valley 610



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ananya Venkatachalam North Penn 980
Honors Magen Swartley Souderton 940
Honors Haley Chung Methacton 940
Honors Graham Lively Carlisle 940
Honors Irene Biju Methacton 930
- - - -
Scholastic Alexis Pittman Souderton 950
Scholastic Ethan O'Brien Methacton 840
Scholastic Andrew Wang Methacton 830
- - - -
Varsity Aakash Patil North Penn 950
Varsity Wilson Scudder Carlisle 950
Varsity Nick Chan Methacton 890
Varsity Faith Clark Carlisle 850


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Colton Sands Penns Valley 990
Honors Lauren Ogden South Williamsport 950
Honors Jack O'Donald Penns Valley 900
- - - -
Scholastic Maddie McCool Penns Valley 950
Scholastic Alexander Kremer Montoursville 830
Scholastic Emily Bertin Montoursville 830
Scholastic Raines Whitehill Penns Valley 830
- - - -
Varsity Amanda Grove Penns Valley 940
Varsity Owen Korman Penns Valley 910
Varsity Gabby Cornish Montoursville 820