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Current Victor: Souderton Area High School
State Scores
Regional Scores




Overall Results Cumulative[edit]

Location - Edinboro University Date - February 7 & 8, 2020

School Score Division
Seneca Valley High School 44,769 Large School 1st
NW PA Collegiate Academy 40,423 Large School 2nd
Clarion Limestone High School 39,043 Small School 1st
McDowell High School 38,751 Large School 3rd
Moniteau High School 33,751 Small School 2nd
North Clarion High School 32,315 Small School 3rd
Northwestern High School 30,113 Small School 4th
Commodore Perry High School 28,676 Small School 5th
Meadville High School 28,517 Large School 4th
Cochranton High School 19,900 Small School 6th
Reynolds High School 19,003 Small School 7th


Overall Awards[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Nishant Jayachandran Seneca Valley 8,432
Honors Jennifer Wang McDowell 8,337
Honors Kevin Xu Collegiate Academy 8,108
- - - -
Scholastic Logan Glatz Seneca Valley 7,930
Scholastic Mia Chevallier Seneca Valley 7,548
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 7,520
- - - -
Varsity Katie Melcher Clarion Limestone 7,679
Varsity Gabe Sutherland Seneca Valley 6,554
Varsity Julia Allman Seneca Valley 6,535



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Kelvin Li McDowell 969
Honors Jennifer Wang McDowell 957
Honors Trevor Hamm McDowell 955
- - - -
Scholastic William Firman Seneca Valley 932
Scholastic Jacob Gehrlein Collegiate Academy 922
Scholastic Logan Glatz Seneca Valley 835
- - - -
Varsity Teddy Buchanan McDowell 914
Varsity Gabe Sutherland Seneca Valley 900
Varsity Christopher Jackman Collegiate Academy 880


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Abby Swantek Northwestern 979
Honors Peter Rickard Clarion Limestone 910
Honors Brooke Loutzenhiser Moniteau 886
- - - -
Scholastic Rianna-Lynn Maloney Cochranton 911
Scholastic Shaunessy Lutz Commodore Perry 904
Scholastic Diane Albright North Clarion 895
- - - -
Varsity Robyn Stahlman Clarion Limestone 920
Varsity Katie Melcher Clarion Limestone 878
Varsity Aniston Baumann North Clarion 833



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Kevin Xu Collegiate Academy 680
Honors Cameron Earl Collegiate Academy 680
Honors Nishant Jayachandran Seneca Valley 660
Honors Garrett Macomber Collegiate Academy 580
- - - -
Scholastic Mia Chevallier Seneca Valley 840
Scholastic Logan Glatz Seneca Valley 640
Scholastic William Firman Seneca Valley 600
- - - -
Varsity Mathew Stewart Seneca Valley 520
Varsity Gabe Sutherland Seneca Valley 460
Varsity Christopher Jackman Collegiate Academy 420
Varsity Matt Tolhurst Collegiate Academy 420


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 740
Honors Kent Carrier Clarion Limestone 680
Honors Sophia Hilton Moniteau 520
- - - -
Scholastic Logan Campbell Moniteau 420
Scholastic Curvin Goheen Clarion Limestone 420
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 420
Scholastic Charisma Ferringer Clarion Limestone 400
Scholastic Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 400
Scholastic Renee Jay Reynolds 400
Scholastic Alexy McDermid North Clarion 380
- - - -
Varsity Katie Melcher Clarion Limestone 760
Varsity Shane Christy Moniteau 400
Varsity Trinity Caro Clarion Limestone 380
Varsity Robyn Stahlman Clarion Limestone 380



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Abigail Roeckmann Seneca Valley 920
Honors Jennifer Wang McDowell 880
Honors Megan Neely Seneca Valley 860
Honors Garrett Macomber Collegiate Academy 860
Honors Cameron Earl Collegiate Academy 860
- - - -
Scholastic Mia Chevallier Seneca Valley 880
Scholastic Jack Kociolek Collegiate Academy 840
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 800
Scholastic Logan Glatz Seneca Valley 800
- - - -
Varsity Julia Allman Seneca Valley 740
Varsity Matt Tolhurst Collegiate Academy 660
Varsity Mathew Stewart Seneca Valley 580


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 860
Honors Sophia Hilton Moniteau 780
Honors Delynn Jasmer Reynolds 740
- - - -
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 760
Scholastic Charisma Ferringer Clarion-Limestone 660
Scholastic Brennan Donch Northwestern 600
- - - -
Varsity Katie Melcher Clarion Limestone 920
Varsity Shane Christy Moniteau 460
Varsity Darrion Rock Moniteau 460
Varsity Aniston Baumann North Clarion 460
Varsity Parker Evans North Clarion 440



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Sophia Travis Meadville 860
Honors Cameron Earl Collegiate Academy 860
Honors Megan Neely Seneca Valley 800
Honors Jennifer Wang McDowell 780
Honors Benjamin Lashbrook McDowell 780
- - - -
Scholastic Megan Deissler Meadville 840
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 820
Scholastic Logan Glatz Seneca Valley 820
Scholastic Mia Chevallier Seneca Valley 760
- - - -
Varsity Julia Allman Seneca Valley 660
Varsity Matt Tolhurst Collegiate Academy 660
Varsity Mathew Stewart Seneca Valley 620
Varsity Drew D'Onofrio Collegiate Academy 600


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Delynn Jasmer Reynolds 840
Honors Sophia Hilton Moniteau 800
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 780
- - - -
Scholastic Alexy McDermid North Clarion 700
Scholastic Cody Brown Moniteau 620
Scholastic Logan Campbell Moniteau 620
Scholastic Brennan Donch Northwestern 600
Scholastic Mitchell Knepp Clarion Limestone 600
Scholastic Charisma Ferringer Clarion Limestone 600
- - - -
Varsity Katie Melcher Clarion Limestone 760
Varsity Shane Christy Moniteau 680
Varsity Tyler Steele Moniteau 640



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Kelvin Li McDowell 943
Honors Nishant Jayachandran Seneca Valley 829
Honors Jennifer Wang McDowell 800
Honors Kevin Xu Collegiate Academy 800
- - - -
Scholastic Logan Glatz Seneca Valley 800
Scholastic Drew Kwiatkowski McDowell 657
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 571
- - - -
Varsity Matt Tolhurst Collegiate Academy 486
Varsity Will Swanson McDowell 457
Varsity Gabe Sutherland Seneca Valley 429


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Kent Carrier Clarion Limestone 571
Honors Elizabeth Miller Northwestern 514
Honors Abby Swantek Northwestern 514
Honors Sophia Hilton Moniteau 457
Honors James Shafer Reynolds 457
- - - -
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 543
Scholastic Curvin Goheen Clarion Limestone 486
Scholastic Alexy McDermid North Clarion 429
Scholastic Diane Albright North Clarion 429
- - - -
Varsity Katie Melcher Clarion Limestone 486
Varsity Tommy Schmeits Commodore Perry 400
Varsity Robyn Stahlman Clarion Limestone 400
Varsity Aniston Baumann North Clarion 400
Varsity Kenna Ridenour Northwestern 286
Varsity Parker Evans North Clarion 286


Social Science[edit]

Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Cameron Earl Collegiate Academy 960
Honors Nishant Jayachandran Seneca Valley 880
Honors Jennifer Wang McDowell 840
Honors Kevin Xu Collegiate Academy 840
- - - -
Scholastic Mia Chevallier Seneca Valley 840
Scholastic Alexander Hurtado Collegiate Academy 820
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 800
- - - -
Varsity Matt Tolhurst Collegiate Academy 700
Varsity Julia Allman Seneca Valley 680
Varsity Gabe Sutherland Seneca Valley 680
Varsity Mathew Stewart Seneca Valley 680
Varsity Teddy Buchanan McDowell 440
Varsity Spencer Schott Meadville 440


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Sophia Hilton Moniteau 840
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 800
Honors Kent Carrier Clarion Limestone 620
Honors Peter Rickard Clarion Limestone 620
- - - -
Scholastic Brennan Donch Northwestern 660
Scholastic Charisma Ferringer Clarion Limestone 580
Scholastic Curvin Goheen Clarion Limestone 560
- - - -
Varsity Katie Melcher Clarion Limestone 800
Varsity Tyler Steele Tyler Steele 580
Varsity Robyn Stahlman Clarion Limestone 460



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Nishant Jayachandran Seneca Valley 880
Honors Megan Neely Seneca Valley 840
Honors Kelvin Li McDowell 820
Honors Garrett Macomber Collegiate Academy 820
- - - -
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 800
Scholastic Logan Glatz Seneca Valley 720
Scholastic Mia Chevallier Seneca Valley 600
Scholastic Alexander Hurtado Collegiate Academy 700
- - - -
Varsity Gabe Sutherland Seneca Valley 680
Varsity Christopher Jackman Collegiate Academy 600
Varsity Julia Allman Seneca Valley 520
Varsity Matt Tolhurst Collegiate Academy 520


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 760
Honors Abby Swantek Northwestern 720
Honors Peter Rickard Clarion Limestone 660
- - - -
Scholastic Charisma Ferringer Clarion Limestone 600
Scholastic Cody Brown Moniteau 580
Scholastic Brennan Donch Northwestern 540
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 540
- - - -
Varsity Katie Melcher Clarion Limetsone 740
Varsity Aniston Baumann North Clarion 600
Varsity Tommy Schmeits Commodore Perry 460



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Kelvin Li McDowell 920
Honors Garrett Macomber Collegiate Academy 900
Honors Nishant Jayachandran Seneca Valley 880
- - - -
Scholastic Megan Deissler Meadville 860
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 840
Scholastic Mia Chevallier Seneca Valley 820
- - - -
Varsity Gabe Sutherland Seneca Valley 680
Varsity Christopher Jackman Collegiate Academy 600
Varsity Julia Allman Seneca Valley 520
Varsity Matt Tolhurst Collegiate Academy 520


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Peter Rickard Clarion Limestone 820
Honors Sophia Hilton Moniteau 800
Honors George Reed Commodore Perry 800
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 800
Honors Kent Carrier Clarion Limestone 780
- - - -
Scholastic Charisma Ferringer Clarion Limestone 820
Scholastic Diane Albright North Clarion 660
Scholastic Mitchell Knepp Clarion Limestone 580
- - - -
Varsity Katie Melcher Clarion Limestone 740
Varsity Aniston Baumann North Clarion 600
Varsity Tommy Schmeits Commodore Perry 460



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Megan Neely Seneca Valley 990
Honors Garrett Macomber Collegiate Academy 990
Honors Jennifer Wang McDowell 975
Honors Nishant Jayachandran Seneca Valley 930
- - - -
Scholastic Wililam Firman Seneca Valley 985
Scholastic Sam Flanagan McDowell 940
Scholastic Mia Chevallier Seneca Valley 935
- - - -
Varsity Teddy Buchanan McDowell 960
Varsity Drew D'Onofrio Collegiate Academy 925
Varsity Gabe Sutherland Seneca Valley 910


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Abby Hancox Northwestern 935
Honors Abby Swantek Northwestern 935
Honors Kent Carrier Clarion Limestone 905
- - - -
Scholastic Mitchell Knepp Clarion Limestone 965
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 940
Scholastic Brennan Donch Northwestern 915
- - - -
Varsity Parker Evans North Clarion 890
Varsity Tyler Steele Moniteau 870
Varsity Robyn Stahlman Clarion Limestone 850



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Nishant Jayachandran Seneca Valley 1,000
Honors Kevin Xu Collegiate Academy 995
Honors Jennifer Wang McDowell 985
- - - -
Scholastic Logan Glatz Seneca Valley 875
Scholastic Jack Kociolek Collegiate Academy 850
Scholastic Tiffany Onyeiwo Meadville 840
- - - -
Varsity Christopher Jackman Collegiate Academy 980
Varsity Julia Allman Seneca Valley 960
Varsity Drew D'Onofrio Collegiate Academy 945


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Abby Hancox Northwestern 1,000
Honors Mattison Arnett Commodore Perry 1,000
Honors Abby Swantek Northwestern 975
Honors Kent Carrier Clarion Limestone 935
- - - -
Scholastic Mitchell Knepp Clarion Limestone 915
Scholastic Jocelyn Eber Commodore Perry 910
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 865
- - - -
Varsity Kenna Ridenour Northwestern 965
Varsity Shane Christy Moniteau 920
Varsity Tommy Schmeits Commodore Perry 900