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Current Victor: Souderton Area High School
State Scores
Regional Scores




From 1985-2007, ties were not awarded for individual medals. Beginning in 2008, all ties for Gold, Silver, and Bronze, per national USAD regulations, were adopted in PA.

Overall Results Cumulative[edit]

School Division Score
Collegiate Academy Large 40,608
Fairview Small 40,031
North Penn Large 38,672
Moniteau Small 35,231
McDowell Large 34,443
Bellefonte Large 32,962
Reynolds Small 31,026
Slippery Rock Large 30,195
LaSalle College Large 30,001
Commodore Perry Small 29,908
Harriton Large 28,982
South Williamsport Small 28,825
Montoursville Small 28,307
Philipsburg-Osceola Small 27,861
Lower Moreland Small 26,733
Penns Valley Small 26,471

Overall Awards[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors William Kilmer Fairview 7,869
Honors Evan Smith Moniteau 7,850
Honors Matthew Faytak Collegiate 7,695
- - - -
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 7,342
Scholastic Jessica Lynch Collegiate 7,090
Scholastic Greg Garbern North Penn 6,823
- - - -
Varsity Dan Juilfs Collegiate 6,698
Varsity Dotun Akintoyer North Penn 6,007
Varsity William (Cassidy) Schenley Collegiate 5,942

Super Quiz[edit]

Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Steve Heilman North Penn 845
Honors Matthew Faytak Collegiate 785
Honors Jakub Rajniak North Penn 760
- - - -
Scholastic Jessica Lynch Collegiate 795
Scholastic Greg Nieder Collegiate 770
Scholastic Ryan Eichenlaub McDowell 695
- - - -
Varsity Dan Juilfs Collegiate 740
Varsity Dotun Akintoyer North Penn 515
Varsity Jeffrey McCormick McDowell 495
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors William Kilmer Fairview 870
Honors Natasha Simanova Lower Moreland 855
Honors Evan Smith Moniteau 810
- - - -
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 825
Scholastic Mike Benson Moniteau 570
Scholastic Tim Clouser Fairview 570
Scholastic Jessica Maxon Philipsburg-Osceola 550
Scholastic Megan Heidler Fairview 550
- - - -
Varsity Pat Sweny Fairview 600
Varsity Chrysten Maydak Fairview 540
Varsity Nicole Peterson Commodore Perry 445


Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Matthew Flaschen Harriton 720
Honors Alexandra Talarico Collegiate 600
Honors Steve Heilman North Penn 600
Honors April Hartle Bellefonte 520
Honors Terrance Foessett McDowell 520
Honors Jakub Rajniak North Penn 520
- - - -
Scholastic Blake Remley LaSalle College 720
Scholastic Ethan Chiang North Penn 440
Scholastic Jennifer Moczulski McDowell 400
- - - -
Varsity Kyle MacWade North Penn 520
Varsity Andreas Thuy LaSalle College 520
Varsity Alex Lauri Bellefonte 480
Varsity Cassidy Schenley Collegiate 400
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors Keith Jaenke Montoursville 720
Honors Evan Smith Moniteau 640
Honors William Kilmer Fairview 640
Honors Saagar Chekka Fairview 560
- - - -
Scholastic Zachary Shaffer South Williamsport 600
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 560
Scholastic Adam Miller South Williamsport 520
- - - -
Varsity Jeff Sponenberg Montoursville 400
Varsity Scott Boyles Montoursville 360
Varsity Brittany Hodge South Williamsport 320
Varsity Kristen Brobst South Williamsport 320


Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Alexandra Talarico Collegiate 920
Honors Casey Crisman-Cox Bellefonte 900
Honors Matthew Faytak Collegiate 880
- - - -
Scholastic Greg Garbern North Penn 820
Scholastic Jessica Lynch Collegiate 820
Scholastic Jenny Parker North Penn 740
Scholastic Andrew Wilkey Collegiate 700
- - - -
Varsity Samir Mirakhur North Penn 800
Varsity Deidre Wilkey Collegiate 740
Varsity Dan Juilfs Collegiate 720
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors Evan Smith Moniteau 860
Honors Natasha Simanova Lower Moreland 860
Honors Lindsay Skadhauge Fairview 840
Honors William Kilmer Fairview 800
- - - -
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 680
Scholastic Tim Clouser Fairview 660
Scholastic Greg Madru Moniteau 600
- - - -
Varsity Pat Sweny Fairview 580
Varsity Brittany Stitt Moniteau 560
Varsity Mike Pope Moniteau 560
Varsity Mike Reim Fairview 560
Varsity Michelle Rebar Philipsburg-Osceola 480
Varsity Casey Gaspari Reynolds 480
Varsity Cody Holt Moniteau 480


Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Ryan Tryzbiak Collegiate 967
Honors April Hartle Bellefonte 947
Honors Matthew Flaschen Harriton 932
- - - -
Scholastic Jessica Riggs Slippery Rock 965
Scholastic Jenna Helwig Bellefonte 872
Scholastic Kasi Zimmerman Bellefonte 848
- - - -
Varsity Cassidy Schenley Collegiate 862
Varsity Shannon George Bellefonte 853
Varsity Jeffery McCormick McDowell 839
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors Jesse Toth Reynolds 923
Honors Natasha Simanova Lower Moreland 922
Honors Jesse Delach Moniteau 905
- - - -
Scholastic Jeffrey Slater Commodore Perry 849
Scholastic Megan Heidler Fairview 846
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 842
- - - -
Varsity Casey Gaspari Reynolds 863
Varsity Shane Homan Penns Valley 837
Varsity Brittany Stitt Moniteau 802


Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Celia Chen North Penn 890
Honors Ryan Tryzbiak Collegiate 875
Honors Terrance Foessett McDowell 870
Honors Brenna Peters McDowell 870
- - - -
Scholastic Jessica Lynch Collegiate 955
Scholastic Melissa Arner Slippery Rock 905
Scholastic Jocelyn Moelk McDowell 900
- - - -
Varsity Cassidy Schenley Collegiate 850
Varsity Dotun Akintoyer North Penn 850
Varsity Samir Mirakhur North Penn 775
Varsity Dan Juilfs Collegiate 770
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors Saagar Chekka Fairview 917
Honors Lindsay Skadhauge Fairview 900
Honors Travis Walker Philipsburg-Osceola 880
- - - -
Scholastic Lee Tankle Lower Moreland 925
Scholastic Arielle Evans Lower Moreland 865
Scholastic Katie Geise South Williamsport 845
- - - -
Varsity Brittany Stitt Moniteau 950
Varsity Casey Gaspari Reynolds 877
Varsity Mike Reim Fairview 805


Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Ryan Tryzbiak Collegiate 950
Honors Brenna Peters McDowell 940
Honors Jen Baney Bellefonte 915
- - - -
Scholastic Justin Sloan Harriton 1,000
Scholastic Jessica Riggs Slippery Rock 995
Scholastic Jessica Lynch Collegiate 990
- - - -
Varsity Nathan Angerett Slippery Rock 985
Varsity Dotun Akintoyer North Penn 975
Varsity Deidre Wilkey Collegiate 935
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors Jesse Delach Moniteau 960
Honors Sarah Sterling Commodore Perry 945
Honors Lindsay Skadhauge Fairview 930
- - - -
Scholastic Megan Heidler Fairview 935
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 915
Scholastic Mandy McManamon Commodore Perry 905
- - - -
Varsity Brittany Stitt Moniteau 930
Varsity Mike Reim Fairview 930
Varsity Cody Holt Moniteau 910
Varsity Alejandro Chávarro Montoursville 890

Language and Literature[edit]

Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Matthew Faytak Collegiate 860
Honors Celia Chen North Penn 780
Honors Terrance Foessett McDowell 780
Honors Alexandra Talarico Collegiate 760
- - - -
Scholastic Jennifer Moczulski McDowell 740
Scholastic Greg Garbern North Penn 740
Scholastic Jenny Parker North Penn 720
Scholastic Jessica Lynch Collegiate 680
- - - -
Varsity Dan Juilfs Collegiate 760
Varsity Dotun Akintoyer North Penn 740
Varsity Cassidy Schenley Collegiate 500
Varsity Da Xue Harriton 500
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors William Kilmer Fairview 880
Honors Natasha Simanova Lower Moreland 840
Honors Elizabeth Lakata Lower Moreland 820
- - - -
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 700
Scholastic Tim Clouser Fairview 680
Scholastic Megan Heidler Fairview 660
- - - -
Varsity Pat Sweny Fairview 600
Varsity Shane Homan Penns Valley 580
Varsity Mike Pope Moniteau 580
Varsity Mike Reim Fairview 520


Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Matthew Faytak Collegiate 740
Honors Casey Crisman-Cox Bellefonte 660
Honors Ryan Tryzbiak Collegiate 720
- - - -
Scholastic Ryan Eichenlaub McDowell 660
Scholastic Greg Garbern North Penn 600
Scholastic Jessica Lynch Collegiate 600
Scholastic Andrew Wilkey Collegiate 580
- - - -
Varsity Dan Juilfs Collegiate 600
Varsity Dotun Akintoyer North Penn 520
Varsity Jeffrey McCormick McDowell 480
Varsity Cassidy Schenley Collegiate 480
Varsity Kyle MacWade North Penn 480
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors Natasha Siminova Lower Moreland 760
Honors William Kilmer Fairview 720
Honors Lindsay Skadhauge Fairview 720
Honors Evan Smith Moniteau 680
- - - -
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 640
Scholastic Megan Heidler Fairview 620
Scholastic Greg Madru Moniteau 560
Scholastic Lee Tankle Lower Moreland 560
- - - -
Varsity Mike Pope Moniteau 580
Varsity Pat Sweny Fairview 500
Varsity Michelle Rebar Philipsburg-Osceola 460
Varsity Cody Holt Moniteau 460

Social Science[edit]

Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Matt Faytak Collegiate 980
Honors Ryan Tryzbiak Collegiate 840
Honors Alexandra Talarico Collegiate 760
- - - -
Scholastic Greg Garbern North Penn 740
Scholastic Jenny Parker North Penn 720
Scholastic Jennifer Moczulski McDowell 620
- - - -
Varsity Dan Juilfs Collegiate 740
Varsity Samir Mirakhur North Penn 500
Varsity Dotun Akintoyer North Penn 480
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors William Kilmer Fairview 880
Honors Lindsay Skadhauge Fairview 780
Honors Natasha Simanova Lower Moreland 740
- - - -
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 720
Scholastic Tim Clouser Fairview 500
Scholastic Megan Heidler Fairview 460
- - - -
Varsity Pat Sweny Fairview 500
Varsity Shane Homan Penns Valley 420
Varsity Alejandro Chávarro Moutoursville 400
Varsity Mike Reim Fairview 400


Level Student Name School (Large) Score
Honors Matt Flaschen Harriton 840
Honors Matthew Faytak Collegiate 760
Honors Terrance Foessett McDowell 720
- - - -
Scholastic Jenny Parker North Penn 700
Scholastic Blake Remley LaSalle College 660
Scholastic Andrew Wilkey Collegiate 640
- - - -
Varsity Da Xue Harriton 660
Varsity Cassidy Schenley Collegiate 560
Varsity Jeffery McCormick McDowell 540
Varsity Dan Juilfs Collegiate 540
Varsity Andreas Thuy LaSalle College 540
Level Student Name School (Small) Score
Honors William Kilmer Fairview 860
Honors Lindsay Skadhauge Fairview 840
Honors Evan Smith Moniteau 820
- - - -
Scholastic Greg Hrinda Fairview 640
Scholastic Josh Stover Penns Valley 600
Scholastic Mandy McManamon Commodore Perry 580
- - - -
Varsity Scott Boyles Montoursville 600
Varsity Nicole Peterson Commodore Perry 440
Varsity Pat Sweny Fairview 440
Varsity Daniel Richardson Commodore Perry 420