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Current Victor: Souderton Area High School
State Scores
Regional Scores




Overall Results Cumulative[edit]

Location - Moniteau High School Date - February 14-15, 2024

School Score Division
Seneca Valley High School 44,601 Large School 1st
McDowell High School 37,221 Large School 2nd
NW PA Collegiate Academy 36,371 Large School 3rd
Clarion-Limestone High School 35,137 Small School 1st
North Clarion High School 29,976 Small School 2nd
Moniteau High School 27,954 Small School 3rd
Commodore Perry High School 26,958 Small School 4th
Northwestern High School 17,553 Small School 5th


Overall Awards[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbaeva McDowell 7,865
Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 7,768
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 7,655
- - - -
Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 8,483
Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 7,841
Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 6,795
- - - -
Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 6,681
Varsity Michael Kravec Seneca Valley 6,462
Varsity Sarah Ghaffar Seneca Valley 6,058



Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Dhiyasri Gopalakrishnan Seneca Valley 1,000
Large Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 913
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbaeva McDowell 800
- - - -
Large Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 900
Large Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 875
Large Scholastic Abigail Pribyshchuk Collegiate Academy 838
- - - -
Large Varsity Sarah Ghaffar Seneca Valley 813
Large Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 775
Large Varsity Elijah Petsch McDowell 675
- - - -
Small Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 863
Small Honors Hannah Hays Commodore Perry 813
Small Honors Jordyn Barzano Northwestern 675
Small Honors Verle Pavlok Clarion-Limestone 675
- - - -
Small Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion-Limestone 700
Small Scholastic Alex Logan Northwestern 588
Small Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion-Limestone 575
- - - -
Small Varsity Gavin Collard Moniteau 738
Small Varsity Owen Wright Clarion-Limestone 738
Small Varsity Lucas Cox Commodore Perry 663
Small Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion-Limestone 613
- - - -
Alternate Jason Nguyen McDowell 925
Alternate Brinn Magerko Moniteau 925
Alternate Kaylee Lindstrom Collegiate Academy 913
Alternate Leah Martino Seneca Valley 888



Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 680
Large Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 660
Honors Sumeyra Turgunbaeva McDowell 640
- - - -
Large Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 940
Large Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 880
Large Scholastic Manaal Hussein Collegiate Academy 680
- - - -
Large Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 520
Large Varsity Elijah Petsch McDowell 420
Large Varsity Sarah Ghaffar Seneca Valley 400
Large Varsity Michael Kravec Seneca Valley 400
- - - -
Small Honors Verle Pavlok Clarion-Limestone 460
Small Honors Gwen Griebel North Clarion 380
Small Honors Jack Monnoyer Clarion-Limestone 360
Small Honors Helena Dillaman Commodore Perry 360
- - - -
Small Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion-Limestone 600
Small Scholastic Veronica Miller Moniteau 520
Small Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion-Limestone 480
- - - -
Small Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion-Limestone 480
Small Varsity Drake Edmonds Clarion-Limestone 440
Small Varsity Owen Wright Clarion-Limestone 400
- - - -
Alternate Roshini Umesh Seneca Valley 620
Alternate Jason Nguyen McDowell 560
Alternate Bryan Allaman McDowell 520



Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 920
Large Honors Sophia Gnacinski Collegiate Academy 880
Large Honors Sumeyra Turgunbaeva McDowell 860
- - - -
Large Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 860
Large Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 840
Large Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 820
- - - -
Large Varsity Sara Page McDowell 800
Large Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 780
Large Varsity Sarah Ghaffar Seneca Valley 680
- - - -
Small Honors Zane Rott Moniteau 700
Small Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 600
Small Honors Jack Monnoyer Clarion-Limestone 580
- - - -
Small Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion-Limestone 760
Small Scholastic Ireland Connor Moniteau 580
Small Scholastic Leah Sisson Moniteau 560
- - - -
Small Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 600
Small Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 600
Small Varsity Gavin Collard Moniteau 460
Small Varsity Owen Wright Clarion-Limestone 460
Small Varsity Drake Edmonds Clarion-Limestone 440
- - - -
Alternate Jason Nguyen McDowell 840
Alternate Rohini Umesh Seneca Valley 760
Alternate Abigail Huppert Seneca Valley 720



Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 720
Large Honors Serena Xu Collegiate Academy 720
Large Honors Sophia Gnacinski Collegiate Academy 660
Large Honors Andrew Hu McDowell 640
Large Honors Dhiyasri Gopalakrishnan Seneca Valley 640
Large Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 640
- - - -
Large Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 800
Large Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 720
Large Scholastic Kaia Satory Seneca Valley 700
- - - -
Large Varsity Elijah Petsch McDowell 640
Large Varsity Norah Lupher McDowell 460
Large Varsity Michael Kravec Seneca Valley 460
Large Varsity Erryn Donovan Collegiate Academy 440
- - - -
Small Honors Alexa Coyle Moniteau 740
Small Honors Verle Pavlok Clarion Limestone 720
Small Honors Hannah Hays Commodore Perry 700
- - - -
Small Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion-Limestone 520
Small Scholastic Veronica Miller Moniteau 480
Small Scholastic Bryce Miller Northwestern 460
Small Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion-Limestone 460
- - - -
Small Varsity Emily Baumcratz North Clarion 460
Small Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 460
Small Varsity Lucas Cox Commodore Perry 440
Small Varsity Owen Wright Clarion-Limestone 420
- - - -
Alternate Abigail Huppert Seneca Valley 620
Alternate Jason Nguyen McDowell 600
Alternate Sulochana Dahal Collegiate Academy 560



Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Sumeyra Turgunbaeva McDowell 896
Large Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 870
Large Honors Ethan Karns McDowell 835
Large Honors Dhiyasri Gopalakrishnan Seneca Valley 835
- - - -
Large Scholastic Anthony Merlino McDowell 880
Large Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 845
Large Scholastic Manaal Hussein Collegiate Academy 795
- - - -
Large Varsity Michael Kravec Seneca Valley 865
Large Varsity Isaiah Mooney Collegiate Academy 856
Large Varsity Norah Lupher McDowell 840
- - - -
Small Honors Verle Pavlok Clarion-Limestone 920
Small Honors Jillian Milich Moniteau 860
Small Honors Helena Dillaman Commodore Perry 845
- - - -
Small Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion-Limestone 880
Small Scholastic Veronica Miller Moniteau 850
Small Scholastic Leah Sisson Moniteau 840
- - - -
Small Varsity Owen Wright Clarion Limestone 850
Small Varsity Lucas Cox Commodore Perry 846
Small Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion-Limestone 840



Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Dhiyasri Gopalakrishnan Seneca Valley 940
Large Honors Sumeyra Turgunbaeva McDowell 880
Large Honors Ethan Karns McDowell 876
Large Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 876
- - - -
Large Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 930
Large Scholastic Josh McManus McDowell 916
Large Scholastic Manaal Hussein Collegiate Academy 820
- - - -
Large Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 825
Large Varsity Sarah Ghaffar Seneca Valley 816
Large Varsity Norah Lupher McDowell 813
- - - -
Small Honors Jillian Milich Moniteau 970
Small Honors Jackson Pappas North Clarion 940
Small Honors Jucas Kocher Commodore Perry 920
- - - -
Small Scholastic Addison Siegel North Clarion 985
Small Scholastic Ireland Connor Moniteau 910
Small Scholastic Veronica Miller Moniteau 893
- - - -
Small Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 915
Small Varsity Drake Edmonds Clarion-Limestone 890
Small Varsity Lucas Cox Commodore Perry 845



Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Andrew Hu McDowell 971
Large Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 971
Large Honors Serena Xu Collegiate Academy 943
Large Honors Evan Macinerney Seneca Valley 886
- - - -
Large Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 1,000
Large Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 943
Large Scholastic Abigail Pribyshchuk Collegiate Academy 657
- - - -
Large Varsity Michael Kravec Seneca Valley 914
Large Varsity Isaaq Wilson Collegiate Academy 686
Large Varsity Sarah Ghaffar Seneca Valley 629
- - - -
Small Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 886
Small Honors Gwen Griebel North Clarion 771
Small Honors Hannah Hays Commodore Perry 600
- - - -
Small Scholastic Bryce Miller Northwestern 657
Small Scholastic Alex Logan Northwestern 429
Small Scholastic Ireland Connor Moniteau 429
Small Scholastic Pereston Peterson Commodore Perry 429
Small Scholastic Ann Weikert North Clarion 400
Small Scholastic McKinzie Lencer North Clarion 400
Small Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion-Limestone 400
Small Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion-Limestone 400
- - - -
Small Varsity Drake Edmonds Clarion-Limestone 371
Small Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion-Limestone 314
Small Varsity Owen Wright Clarion-Limestone 286
Small Varsity Lucas Cox Commodore Perry 286
- - - -
Alternate Jason Nguyen McDowell 800
Alternate Bryan Allaman McDowell 771
Alternate Roshini Umesh Seneca Valley 771
Alternate Arvand Esni Seneca valley 714



Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Sumeyra Turgunbaeva McDowell 860
Large Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 760
Large Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 760
Large Honors Serena Xu Collegiate Academy 760
Large Honors Evan Macinerney Seneca Valley 740
- - - -
Large Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 840
Large Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 820
Large Scholastic Josh McManus McDowell 780
- - - -
Large Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 740
Large Varsity Michael Kravec Seneca Valley 720
Large Varsity Sarah Ghaffar Seneca Valley 700
- - - -
Small Honors Zane Rott Moniteau 760
Small Honors Verle Pavlok Clarion-Limestone 760
Small Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 740
Small Honors Lucas Kocher Commodore Perry 700
- - - -
Small Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion-Limetsone 720
Small Scholastic Pereston Peterson Commodore Perry 680
Small Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion-Limestone 660
- - - -
Small Varsity Gavin Collard Moniteau 660
Small Varsity Lucas Cox Commodore Perry 660
Small Varsity Drake Edmonds Clarion-Limestone 600
Small Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 580
- - - -
Alternate Jason Nguyen McDowell 740
Alternate Kaylee Lindstrom Collegiate Academy 720
Alternate Sulochana Dahal Collegiate Academy 700
Alternate Bryan Allaman McDowell 700



Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 860
Large Honors Sumeyra Turgunbaeva McDowell 740
Large Honors Andrew Hu McDowell 720
Large Honors Serena Xu Collegiate Academy 720
- - - -
Large Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 840
Large Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 660
Large Scholastic Manaal Hussein Collegiate Academy 600
- - - -
Large Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 580
Large Varsity Michael Kravec Seneca Valley 480
Large Varsity Elijah Petsch McDowell 460
Large Varsity Erryn Donovan Collegiate Academy 460
- - - -
Small Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 720
Small Honors Brennan Saxton Northwestern 560
Small Honors Gwen Griebel North Clarion 440
Small Honors Hannah Hays Commodore Perry 440
- - - -
Small Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion-Limetsone 580
Small Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion-Limestone 560
Small Scholastic Bryce Miller Northwestern 500
- - - -
Small Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 460
Small Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion-Limestone 420
Small Varsity Lucas Cox Commodore Perry 420
Small Varsity Aidan Bailey Moniteau 340
- - - -
Alternate Bryan Allaman McDowell 580
Alternate Arvand Esni Seneca Valley 560
Alternate Jason Nguyen McDowell 540


Social Science[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Large Honors Evan Macinerney Seneca Valley 860
Large Honors Sumeyra Turgunbaeva McDowell 740
Large Honors Andrew Hu McDowell 720
Large Honors Ophelia Crano Seneca Valley 720
- - - -
Large Scholastic Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 760
Large Scholastic Heath Lyon Seneca Valley 700
Large Scholastic Manaal Hussein Collegiate Academy 660
- - - -
Large Varsity Sarah Ghaffar Seneca Valley 680
Large Varsity Sara Page McDowell 660
Large Varsity Gavin Cress Seneca Valley 660
Large Varsity Michael Kravec Seneca Valley 640
- - - -
Small Honors Verle Pavlok Clarion-Limestone 680
Small Honors Zane Rott Moniteau 560
Small Honors Helena Dillaman Commodore Perry 560
Small Honors Alexa Coyle Moniteau 540
- - - -
Small Scholastic Corbyn Brown Clarion-Limetsone 720
Small Scholastic Layton Dunn Clarion-Limestone 660
Small Scholastic Bryce Miller Northwestern 540
- - - -
Small Varsity Owen Wright Clarion-Limestone 600
Small Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion-Limestone 580
Small Varsity Gavin Collard Moniteau 500
- - - -
Alternate Jason Nguyen McDowell 660
Alternate Caelan Buchanan Seneca Valley 660
Alternate Jayden Yim Collegiate Academy 600
Alternate Emmett Sisson Moniteau 580