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Current Victor: Seneca Valley High School
State Scores
Regional Scores


Overall Results Cumulative[edit]

Location - Moniteau High School Date - February 11, 2023

School Score Division
Seneca Valley High School 38,116 Large School 1st
NW PA Collegiate Academy 33,989 Large School 2nd
Moniteau High School 33,439 Small School 1st
McDowell High School 32,791 Large School 3rd
North Clarion High School 31,855 Small School 2nd
Clarion-Limestone High School 27,677 Small School 3rd
Northwestern High School 23,357 Small School 4th
Commodore Perry High School 20,886 Small School 5th
Cochranton High School 9,280 Small School 6th


Overall Awards[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 7,369
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 7,257
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 6,881
- - - -
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 6,640
Scholastic Julia Acker Seneca Valley 6,141
Scholastic Nabiah Bhatti Collegiate Academy 5,968
- - - -
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 5,904
Varsity Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 5,796
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 5,583



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 900
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 875
Honors Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 850
- - - -
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 950
Scholastic Julie Acker Seneca Valley 825
Scholastic Jacob Freshly Seneca Valley 800
- - - -
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 900
Varsity Zachary Devault Collegiate Academy 800
Varsity Kimberly Lahoz Seneca Valley 800
Varsity Isaiah Mooney Collegiate Academy 775
Varsity Camren Wiley Collegiate Academy 775


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 950
Honors Brandon Ochs North Clarion 850
Honors Layla Wright Clarion Limestone 775
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 775
- - - -
Scholastic Kaitlyn Zona North Clarion 875
Scholastic Eva Beck North Clarion 750
Scholastic Bracey Goheen Clarion Limestone 725
Scholastic Ayla Ruland Northwestern 725
- - - -
Varsity Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 850
Varsity Dominic Shannon Clarion Limestone 750
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 700
Varsity James Berger Commodore Perry 700



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 740
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 720
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 700
- - - -
Scholastic Julia Acker Seneca Valley 600
Scholastic Journey Lewonas-Gray Collegiate Academy 520
Scholastic Lurissa DeJesus McDowell 480
- - - -
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 480
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 420
Varsity Camren Wiley Collegiate Academy 400


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Molly Milich Moniteau 700
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 540
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 520
- - - -
Scholastic Sarah Zona North Clarion 520
Scholastic Kadance Miller Moniteau 440
Scholastic Bracey Goheen Clarion Limestone 380
- - - -
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 500
Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 420
Varsity Veronica Miller Moniteau 400



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 780
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 720
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 720
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 720
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 680
- - - -
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 780
Scholastic Julia Acker Seneca Valley 640
Scholastic Jason Nguyen McDowell 600
- - - -
Varsity Kimberly Lahoz Seneca Valley 720
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 640
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 620


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 740
Honors Molly Milich Moniteau 660
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 520
- - - -
Scholastic Sarah Zona North Clarion 600
Scholastic Kadance Miller Moniteau 560
Scholastic Bracey Goheen Clarion Limestone 460
Scholastic Karolina Karner Moniteau 460
- - - -
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 680
Varsity Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 620
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 500
Varsity Kristopher Midberry Moniteau 500



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 760
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 720
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 660
- - - -
Scholastic Lurissa Dejesus McDowell 640
Scholastic Julia Acker Seneca Valley 560
Scholastic Journey Lewonas-Gray Collegiate Academy 500
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 500
- - - -
Varsity Kimberly Lahoz Seneca Valley 700
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 540
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 440


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Hannah Hays Commodore Perry 800
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 720
Honors Molly Milich Moniteau 700
- - - -
Scholastic Kadance Miller Moniteau 680
Scholastic Heath Shaner Moniteau 580
Scholastic Karolina Karner Moniteau 520
- - - -
Varsity Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 640
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 580
Varsity Kristopher Midberry Moniteau 520
Varsity Veronica Miller Moniteau 520



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 990
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 965
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 960
- - - -
Scholastic Julia Acker Seneca Valley 865
Scholastic Journey Lewonas-Gray Collegiate Academy 790
Scholastic Jacob Freshly Seneca Valley 750
- - - -
Varsity Leticia Negron McDowell 960
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 930
Varsity Camren Wiley Collegiate Academy 915


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Kendall Rose Cochranton 980
Honors Jocalyn Henry Clarion Limestone 950
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 910
Honors Molly Milich Moniteau 910
- - - -
Scholastic Eva Beck North Clarion 860
Scholastic Karolina Karner Moniteau 810
Scholastic Owen Wright Clarion Limestone 760
- - - -
Varsity Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 900
Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 880
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 880
Varsity Veronica Miller Moniteau 880
Varsity Kristopher Midberry Moniteau 810



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 935
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 920
Honors Manaal Hussain Collegiate Academy 880
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 880
- - - -
Scholastic Julia Acker Seneca Valley 925
Scholastic Nabiah Bhatti Collegiate Academy 895
Scholastic Journey Lewonas-Gray Collegiate Academy 870
Scholastic Nancy Chen Collegiate Academy 870
- - - -
Varsity Camren Wiley Collegiate Academy 925
Varsity Leticia Negron McDowell 863
Varsity Isaiah Mooney Collegiate Academy 810


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Alexandra Kuhn Northwestern 920
Honors Wade Peters North Clarion 915
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 900
- - - -
Scholastic Kadance Miller Moniteau 885
Scholastic Eva Beck North Clarion 845
Scholastic Bracey Goheen Clarion Limestone 830
- - - -
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 940
Varsity Veronica Miller Moniteau 920
Varsity Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 875



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 600
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 571
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 457
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 457
- - - -
Scholastic Nabiah Bhatti Collegiate Academy 543
Scholastic Jason Nguyen McDowell 400
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 400
Scholastic Julia Acker Seneca Valley 286
- - - -
Varsity Nathan Boham McDowell 343
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 314
Varsity Nariah Prude Collegiate Academy 229
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 229


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 457
Honors Brandon Ochs North Clarion 457
Honors Perry Bean Commodore Perry 400
Honors Wade Peters North Clarion 314
- - - -
Scholastic Kaitlyn Zona North Clarion 286
Scholastic Eva Beck North Clarion 286
Scholastic Sarah Zona North Clarion 257
Scholastic Elaine Welton Commodore Perry 257
Scholastic Owen Wright Clarion Limestone 229
Scholastic Heath Shaner Moniteau 229
- - - -
Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 229
Varsity Dominic Shannon Clarion Limetsone 200
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 171
Varsity Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 171
Varsity Matt Bendure Northwestern 171
Varsity Joe Cornwell Northwestern 171



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Owen Martin McDowell 840
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 820
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 820
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 800
- - - -
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 680
Scholastic Nabiah Bhatti Collegiate Academy 620
Scholastic Julia Acker Seneca Valley 500
- - - -
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 580
Varsity Kimberly Lahoz Seneca Valley 480
Varsity Nariah Prude Collegiate Academy 420
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 420


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Wade Peters North Clarion 460
Honors Layla Wright Clarion Limestone 400
Honors Jocalyn Henry Clarion Limestone 380
Honors Allison Ochs North Clarion 380
Honors Molly Milich Moniteau 380
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 380
- - - -
Scholastic Sarah Zona North Clarion 400
Scholastic Bracey Goheen Clarion Limestone 380
Scholastic Kaitlyn Zona North Clarion 380
Scholastic Eva Beck North Clarion 380
Scholastic Karolina Karner Moniteau 380
Scholastic Kadance Miller Moniteau 340
- - - -
Varsity Sophia Wise North Clarion 420
Varsity Jason Megnin Clarion Limestone 340
Varsity Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 340
Varsity Matt Bendure Northwestern 280



Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 680
Honors Sebastian Liu Collegiate Academy 660
Honors Shivani Umesh Seneca Valley 520
- - - -
Scholastic Jacob Freshly Seneca Valley 660
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 580
Scholastic Nabiah Bhatti Collegiate Academy 520
- - - -
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 540
Varsity Nathan Boham McDowell 340
Varsity Isaiah Mooney Collegiate Academy 320


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Michael Aaron Clarion Limestone 480
Honors Samuel Ault Cochranton 460
Honors Michael Snyder Clarion Limestone 440
- - - -
Scholastic Cole Anderson North Clarion 440
Scholastic Gavyn Dunn Clarion Limestone 440
Scholastic Lydia Wagner Cochranton 420
Scholastic Logan Campbell Moniteau 380
- - - -
Varsity Cody Brown Moniteau 460
Varsity Nathan Megnin Clarion Limetsone 420
Varsity Sarah Zona North Clarion 380


Social Science[edit]

Large School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Tanvi Udgiri Collegiate Academy 740
Honors Parth Parikh McDowell 720
Honors Ava Stewart Seneca Valley 720
Honors Rohin Jayaraman Seneca Valley 680
- - - -
Scholastic Nancy Chen Seneca Valley 740
Scholastic Jacob Freshly Seneca Valley 680
Scholastic Jason Nguyen McDowell 580
- - - -
Varsity Zachary Devault Seneca Valley 600
Varsity Ashley Kemp Seneca Valley 560
Varsity Kimberly Lahoz Seneca Valley 540


Small School[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Molly Milich Moniteau 860
Honors Taylor Voloch Moniteau 760
Honors Logan Ryan Moniteau 700
- - - -
Scholastic Heath Shaner Moniteau 800
Scholastic Karolina Karner Moniteau 720
Scholastic Kadance Miller Moniteau 640
- - - -
Varsity Kristopher Midberry Moniteau 580
Varsity Joehy Brinkley Moniteau 560
Varsity Jack Maxwell North Clarion 460