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Current Victor: Souderton Area High School
State Scores
Regional Scores




Overall Results Cumulative[edit]

Location - Harriton High School Date - February 4, 2017

School Score
North Penn High School 42,044
Souderton Area High School 38,918
Renaissance Academy 25,597
Methacton High School 25,343
Harriton High School 23,575


Overall Awards[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 8,202
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 7,925
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 7,897
- - - -
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 7,117
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 6,549
Scholastic Matthew Orefice North Penn 6,101
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 6,787
Varsity Nathaniel Maier North Penn 6,086
Varsity David Sherwood Souderton 5,948



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 871
Honors Sarah Xi Harriton 860
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 856
- - - -
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 858
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 800
Scholastic Matthew Orefice North Penn 747
- - - -
Varsity David Sherwood Souderton 672
Varsity Nathaniel Maier North Penn 629
Varsity Jimmy Weaver Methacton 619



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 800
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 660
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 600
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 600
- - - -
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 420
Scholastic Amy Lu Methacton 400
Scholastic Preeti Bobbs Methacton 400
Scholastic Chosha Bai Methacton 400
Scholastic Sahara Grinkewitz Souderton 400
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 360
Scholastic Brandon Gaffney Renaissance Academy 360
- - - -
Varsity Mitch Jellen Souderton 540
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 500
Varsity David Sherwood Souderton 440



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 840
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 760
Honors Brittany Wylie North Penn 760
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 720
- - - -
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 800
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 540
Scholastic Aswad Hossain Souderton 520
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 740
Varsity David Sherwood Souderton 700
Varsity Nathaniel Maier North Penn 680



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Brittany Wylie North Penn 820
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 740
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 720
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 720
- - - -
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 760
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 700
Scholastic Aswad Hossain Souderton 640
Scholastic Sahara Grinkewitz Souderton 640
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 660
Varsity Connor Grunewald Souderton 600
Varsity Nathaniel Maier North Penn 540



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 1,000
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 971
Honors Kedar Karhadkar Harriton 971
Honors Chantal Alano Methacton 942
- - - -
Scholastic Amy Lu Methacton 914
Scholastic Chosha Bai Methacton 857
Scholastic Sahara Grinkewitz Souderton 714
Scholastic Matthew Orefice North Penn 714
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 714
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 714
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 742
Varsity Duncan Urquhart Harriton 657
Varsity Sean C. Collins North Penn 514


Social Science[edit]

Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 880
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 760
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 720
- - - -
Scholastic Aswad Hossain Souderton 820
Scholastic Matthew Orefice North Penn 660
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 660
Scholastic Chosha Bai Methacton 580
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 760
Varsity Nathaniel Maier North Penn 660
Varsity David Sherwood Souderton 640



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 860
Honors Kedar Karhadkar Harriton 800
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 780
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 780
- - - -
Scholastic Matthew Orefice North Penn 740
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 700
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 700
Scholastic Sahara Grinkewitz Souderton 600
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 760
Varsity Mitch Jellen Souderton 640
Varsity Sean C. Collins North Penn 560
Varsity Duncan Urquhart North Penn 560



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 900
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 820
Honors Brittany Wylie North Penn 720
- - - -
Scholastic Aswad Hossain Souderton 540
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 540
Scholastic Matthew Orefice North Penn 520
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 520
Scholastic Sahara Grinkewitz Souderton 500
- - - -
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 700
Varsity Mitch Jellen Souderton 580
Varsity Sean C. Collins North Penn 540



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jerry Zheng Souderton 835
Honors Connie Jiang North Penn 835
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 810
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 810
Honors Hunter Sporn Harriton 775
- - - -
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 840
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 780
Scholastic Aswad Hossain Souderton 745
- - - -
Varsity Nathaniel Maier North Penn 865
Varsity Sean C. Collins North Penn 795
Varsity David Sherwood Souderton 780



Level Student Name School Score
Honors Jarod Olson Souderton 1,000
Honors Yang Yue North Penn 970
Honors Brittany Wylie North Penn 950
- - - -
Scholastic John Bogert North Penn 905
Scholastic Alex Goldberg North Penn 875
Scholastic Sahara Grinkewitz Souderton 870
- - - -
Varsity David Sherwood Souderton 985
Varsity Nathaniel Maier North Penn 915
Varsity Justin Orefice North Penn 880
Varsity Isabel Lopez Renaissance Academy 880